
I wish Paul Krugman would ditch the NY Times day job and take over Ben Bernake's job. Troof!

Well done Bungie and well done parents for having the ability to look past ratings and let kids enjoy what they enjoy responsibly with parental supervision. Be involved!


Is Sam Biddle a ghost name for Jesus Diaz? Because this reads more like a Jesus Diaz article.

Bubblegum Crisis... Priss.

This stinks. I liked the show. In fact it was the only thing I watched on SciFi channel.

Unlimited corporate Premier plan here. AT&T pissing off their most reliable corporate customers.

My wife and I have just agreed that it is our civic duty to take this schedule, add it to our 2013 calendars, and rub one out on these days in the name of AMERICA, THE INTERNET & PORN! FUCK YEAH!

Sounds to me like Time Warner Exec's dont understand how TCP/IP works and it sounds like a few readers on this site don't either. Netflix is offering a solution to ingress and partially egress bandwidth woes for ISP's. This is the proverbial olive branch and Time Warner is kicking sand in Netflix face. This solution

Mind Bottling!

Got this for my son xmas 2011. He had fun with it for a long time. But it backfired. We had to buy a pool table because he now wanted to play real pool.

I was going to bag on IE7 but I'm changing that. The Luddites at my company are the oldest tech I have to deal with. I'm 44 myself and stay on top of the latest and greatest software because I am more productive that way. When I send someone a docx and they tell me they cant open it I die a little on the inside.

I wouldn't say more magical. Just less annoying.

For anything "mobile" the intended range is the room you are in and nothing more. So yes the range will be small but intentionally so.


I'll wait for the DRM to get removed by EA when it sells like shit.

Razer is really innovating lately, but they are doing it at the cost of creating affordable devices. Anyone willing to blow $1000 on a mobile gaming rig with a Nvidia GT 640M GPU is likely more willing to blow it on a proper gaming laptop with a GTX 670m or possibly a GTX 680m if you look hard enough and add a cheap

Alfonso Cuarón seems to understand immersive worlds/settings and how to stay true to them. Give it to him. He did Children of Men and the only good Harry Potter (Prisoner of Azkaban.)

I think I'll wait until there is 4K content.