
Zotac Z68ITX-A-E is what I used but there are better choices now. No tgz hacking needed.

I'm very conflicted about Ender's Game. The book was great but Orson Scott Card has turned in to such a hateful bigoted man I am unsure if I can subtract my distaste for Orson Scott Card from a good book he wrote.

Whatever.... it's just Facebook. Does it really matter what it looks like as long as it functions for High School reunions, LOLcats, and political affiliation images?

Thanks for this. You have reassured my resolve to never buy this game.

Not a bad article. There a few holes though. The reason the "$4.69 per subscriber per month" is so high is the bundling. Not the other channel bundling but the advertisement as well. That cost would have to remain of course because discovery is a real thing. But those prices still would come down eventually as the

I bought the 1st season Blu-rays and will get the 2nd when they release. I am however immediately cracking the DRM so they can land on my media server. No I will never upload them, but yes I am a CSS cracking criminal even though I shouldn't be.

"Apple won't allow you set third-party apps as default in iOS." That's pretty much the bulk of the problem. Something as simple as a better Alarm Clock app can never be as good as the Apple one because the 3rd party one has to be opened to work. So I effectively agree with you.

Bulletstorm... LOL because I can make people levitate towards me, shoot them with a laser then launch them 100 feet away from me and insta-gib in to 50 pieces.

My most embarrassing tweet "I joined Twitter today."

Well written article. I disagree 100% though. Tech go forward.

My wife said she needs 15 minutes with this remote.

Yeah no QNAP kind of sucks. I am a 3D animator and I have used pretty much all of the 4 and 5 drive NAS boxes and the 4 drive QNAP TS-459 pro ii outperforms every one on this list. The only valid argument against QNAP is from quasum and their Apple support is lacking. But Apple is just as guilty as performance of

I miss 16:10 being the standard aspect ratio of PC monitors.


Dear FPS purist,

I loaded iTunes 11 on my WMCE unit at home last night and rebooted but haven't had a chance to use it yet? Does anyone know how it handles a large share of music say 100+Gb in size? (all legit CD rips of my own purchase, though I'm sure no one believes me) You see, previous versions of iTunes were TERRIBLE at handling

Cosmo needs to take this opportunity to take this six years and do something productive with it like get a non-computer related degree. That can easily be done in 6 years and then when he is finally allowed to be back on the internet he can likely be one of our bosses at some company and have employees he can force to

Isn't this what you spouses' are for? To stop other stupid spouses from having stupid ideas like naming our kids Hashtag? The mother of this baby clearly agreed to this while still under the effects of the epidural.

That cat was running to kill something and I think you Cheetah us from seeing the kill!

I would only pay on two conditions. #1 Peer review of existing articles and future edits must become reviewed for accuracy as well. #2 MUST REMAIN FREE FOR ALL EDUCATIONAL AND STUDENT USES!!!