So you are not wanting Move Along Home in glorious HD?
So you are not wanting Move Along Home in glorious HD?
You mean Voyager? What the heck was wrong with DS9's ending? It was the only Trek finale other than All Good Things not to suck massive donkey balls.
Teeny tiny Tina Tinnis
I have found hundreds of bottles washed up on the shore with messages in them.....they all said I had won the Nigerian lotto and I needed to send money to them.......
Actually, I think it was a spasm. Hopefully a shorter recovery period than a muscle tear.
Chris LASTNAME, I made $4,000 working from home this month! wow! Click here to find out how click here for the best deals on perscription medications CLICK HERE DISCOUNT RAYBANS
“Injecting straight deer semen into your spine doesn’t help. Also, it causes tremendous forehead embiggening.” --Peyton
My team divorced me this year, so I was just riding out the football season and was planning on never returning to the NFL. I was hoping for a non-Patriots SB for me to enjoy as my final act as a loyal NFL fan.
Please don’t stick to sports. And fuck everyone that whines about nominal sports sites not “sticking to sports”. Shit that’s happening right now is monumental and everyone has a right, and a duty, to speak on it, and to keep speaking on it in whatever manner they choose. You should not want to get away from what’s…
I usually look to my Republican wife (who voted for Hillary) to ground me in reality when my libturd ass is flying off the Helen Lovejoy handle. I told her early this week “I’m trying to keep things in perspective, and not freak out over every little thing, but this muslim ban thing...” she cut me off with “I am…
I’ve been smoking a ton of weed.
+ 1 Humalog
I keep hearing everyone say they hate Trump and don’t care who wins the super bowl. The Patriots are Trumps team, his buddies, and their defeat represents the beginning of the resistance. Matt Ryan is John Fucking Thomas Connor and Sunday is Independence Day, goddamit!
I have cried way more recently than I can ever remember...I think it’s okay to break down emotionally, if only for a moment, as it’s a reminder that we still feel fucking something. The moment we stop being affected by what’s happening is probably the moment we have officially given up.
Drew, there is absolutely nothing festive about the possibility, nay likelihood, of GrumbleLord & MAGA-Hat Model winning yet another Lombardi. Pretty much the only saving grace about this game (and the reason why it isn’t the *absolute* darkest Super Bowl) is that Dallas isn’t in it.
Toil away in your misery and feel…
This is the first year in forever I haven’t made plans. The wife has no interest unless the Bears are in it and would rather me leave the house than deprive the kids of the good TV when she’s about done with the weekend of togetherness.
So, with her blessing, I go with a buddy or two to a sports bar. Haven’t called or…
When this Super Bowl business is over, I’m getting out of blogging and going into scoreboard operatin’ full time. Watch me scare very small children with the buzzer. EHHHHNTTTTT!