
Lawrence really should be careful. Things like that can have repercussions later on in life.

Steelers fans like him again now

You’re ascribing an awful lot of power to Marchand’s tongue.

“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!

Yes, it’s Mike Mayock! The football sensation that’s sweeping the nation! Only $14.95 at participating stores! Get one today!

Believe it or not, Belichick has done interviews where he doesn’t go all Mumblelord. I’ve seen interviews in which he didn’t speak in monotone, he was amiable and friendly, spoke with enthusiasm and emotion, and even made facial expressions indicating positivity and joy.

Dave Arneson got Jack Kirby-ed.

Dearest Mother,

Yes, and as we all know, every week of the season, CFL squads lose half their rosters to IR due to those damnable goalposts - or, as the locals call them, “the widowmakers.”

The Lies are flowing underground.

Letting the truth go by!

Oh, Spicey definitely fronts that tribute band. They call themselves “Lying Asses”.

Obama should get Trump’s travel plans and follow him everywhere. Just troll the fuck out of him until the election. Hands down the best plan. I’ll donate to this PAC every payday.

And I still can’t follow it. She hacked the Matrix; that’s what I’m going with.

This is something I wish more people would internalize. Newer does not necessarily equal better. The changes made to airplanes in the last 30 years have been mostly to automation, not safety.

ross, dont douthat.

I noticed he thanked the Canadian Royal Airforce. It’s actually the Royal Canadian Airforce.

Sino wave generator.