Boomers hating this new ‘Boomers thing’ after shit talking Millennials for the last decade and a half is actually peak Boomer.
Boomers hating this new ‘Boomers thing’ after shit talking Millennials for the last decade and a half is actually peak Boomer.
I don’t know, but their reading skills are shit, too. The main problem (which, if you’ve read the story is at best suspicious) is that while they claimed her hair was no good for pictures, they didn’t send her home, which was presumably the appropriate response for hair that goes against dress code.
Goodbye everyone. It’s been a hell of a ride. Never made it out of the greys but that’s ok.
What is this?
What do you expect? None of them are from China where the NBA is owned.
I actually have a sibling with an Albuterol inhaler, as well. She doesn’t need to use it that often - maybe a handful of times a year - but it really does tend to raise her bp and heart rate afterwards. It usually calms down to a normal level after a few minutes, but will be pretty damn elevated when it happens.
Do we love LeBron again now? Has it been long enough since Hong Kong? Is that not the thing everyone cares about this week? I’m new to the internet.
Man what a cute Lebron story. Glad we can laugh with the guy who hates freedom
Please don’t take this the wrong way, but LeBron, you should REALLY stick to basketball.
I don’t remember the ice cream machines being hard to clean. Remove the hoses that fed the product from the mix holding tank from the machine and place said holding tank into the walk in. Get the stainless steel container to drain out the residual product from the inner workings and place whatever is collected into…
Can we address the bigger issue here? Can we stop with the recommended/recent videos auto playing on every single page?
It occurred to me this morning - what if China in this argument was replaced by Apartheid-era South Africa? If Apartheid was alive and well, and if South Africa was a major economic power, would the NBA be supplicating itself so thoroughly, sending messages of how “selfish” Morey is?
I understand the players are caught between a rock and a hard place. But this has to be one of the most craven capitulations to money I have ever seen by a major athlete. Should have kept quiet. His rationale is bullshit.
Trump supporters and Republicans are hypocritical sycophants. Trump supporters and Republicans will try to justify villifying any opposition while blindly accepting blatantly criminal and unethical actions by their party. Trump supporters and Republicans rewrite history, ignore facts, embrace lies, and traffic in the…
They most certainly have that right.
In Joe Biden’s defense: (...) wait what was I typing?
So you’re saying football, like all organized religion, should be wiped off from the face of the planet to make the world a better place?
“Edmonton is the top attraction in the Pacific”
He’s freaking out. Is it because he feels walls closing in on him? Maybe. Is it because his authority and ability to do whatever the fuck he wants is being questioned? More likely.
These earlier episodes of BattleBots are much more dangerous than I remember them.