
“They mispelled by fucking name!”

Wow, all those negative replies must have dampened that feeling. Fuck those haters. They’re all nuts. You’re right on. We’re moving into a world where it makes no difference what you look like and that is universally positive if you ask me.

on my tacoma it’s called pyrite mica which sounds way cooler.

Daniel Jones looks like the actor they’d cast to play Eli Manning in a movie about Peyton Manning’s life.

I’m a Calgarian. Everything is getting gutted under our new provincial government. All to give more profits to the oil company billionaires.

He’s a better person than literally every fucking Republican bastard in this whole country. Those fucking pieces of shit would suck Putin’s dick on command.

Updated. Apologies for the error. 

This is incorrect - the tweet states that the newest teaser for the 2020 film, which was due to show tomorrow, has been cancelled. There has been nothing about the movie itself.

Inside sources say this will be the new company logo:

I would feel conflicted about covering MMA in pretty much any circumstance other than this one, where the story is that MMA is brutal and dangerous.

Such a good little corporate stooge!

Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m a man at war with panes. 

Oh man I badly wanted a Marussia T-shirt back in the day but there wasn’t an economical way to ship to Canada.

Yet I can remember the endless complaining in Schumi era back when F1 had refueling that everything was always decided on the pits and we didn’t get proper racing on the track.

until the colonel removes the cheeto chicken sandwich, a restaurant will be destroyed every night. this i swear to you

That’s what Ian Bowman said to Stewart Zimmel.

I was so stoked for her goal. The penalty was absolutely the right call, but a team this good deserved to win with a goal in the run of play rather than a defender making a mistake that didn’t even deny a scoring chance. The perfect cap to the tournament.

Yep, he’s very childish. That’s one of the reasons why we need to get him out in 2020.

That’s a good one. I also like going the route of walking them through the “Right to do what, exactly?” line, where they’ll either think for a while, make something up, or say “Own property.” Which, of course, the response is “What kind of property?”