
Didn’t bother to read the several hours-old conversation I already had with someone else about this, huh?

Ice cold? In your mouth?


Oh no man I totally understand the frustration. I’m a Texan (and Rangers fan so hell yes I’m biased against the Jays but here me out - we’re legitimately getting somewhere in regards to common ground), and it’s immensely frustrating to see idiots like Rick Perry and Greg Abbott and W all paint a group in which I am a

What is 4 incidents of people throwing dangerous projectiles at players and umpires in the past 5 seasons if not a pattern? So it didn’t happen in years 1-34. If anything that should make this more embarrassing to the fan base and organization; they didn’t used to be pricks.


Good point. I saw so many people on Twitter rushing to the defense of Jays fans as a collective, despite the established pattern of assholery so clearly laid out at the beginning of this piece; the refusal to point out who the offenders are by the other fans makes them accessories after the fact, and just as scummy

What do they mean when they throw full beers at players and umpires?

I do not remember Obama debating my cat.

I will gladly root for them until midnight tonight, at which point fuck Baltimore; Texas forever.

Does this glitch prevent AI Jason Garrett (not to be confused with real-life robot Jason Garrett) from fucking up the coin toss and blinding the offense in the 4th quarter of afternoon games? I just want ultimate Madden realism.

Austin crew soon?

Would you believe that a cursory google image search turned up ZERO regular E30s badged as M3s? Preposterous.

Mine is blue!

Is *this* the “human element?”

Baseball (of all sports) has decided to be super anal about doing something within 10 or 30 seconds? For fuck’s sake.

The only thing I particularly like about this is the badge on the pillar.


I may watch at home with a cigar and bottle of champagne, aka Beltre Style.

His trash is the reason why he writes for Jezebel?