Some may do all three.
Cersei going to fuck everything up again.
Bran begins to go mad with power, and eventually is responsible for most of the bad things that have already happened.
I’d be more than happy if brexit stops them returning to Spain to film more Dorne stuff
I guess it’s time to get my Summer body on.
The UK is not a part of the EU. The UK has never been part of the EU!
Just saw the electric bill for last month...
Time to be a real summer OG.
Doggonitt it’s Friday.
Master of disguise.
I live in Southern California.
jesus, that’s the stuff of nightmares
Well, he WAS dispensed with.
Never understood why people are so scared of ouija boards. Without one I wouldn’t be able to tell the ten year old boy I’m haunting what I want him to type on the internet.