This is my burner. There are many like it, but this one is mine

Nazi drugs are the best drugs:

I would have been the guy who blurted out that parsecs measure distance not time and the whole thing is the retconning of a mistake.

From my days back in H-town (almost 20 years ago), I seem to recall that if you’re going to Ninfa’s on Navigation and not getting the quail then you’re doing it wrong. :-)

Those tables at Sun Valley aren’t going to bus themselves you know.

Great. You dipshits just keep on letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, and we’ll have 8 (or 12) more years of Trump and/or Pence. But it won’t matter cause you’ll still be the most “woke.”  FFS; that and 4 bucks will get you a cup of coffee.

Great article. I love to hammer the Gizvision blogs for all the meaningless pablum, but it’s nice to see great writing like this.

Change the child standing up, or ask for help from an attendant if there is no changing table for a wee one

I also wouldn’t be freaked about a baby being changed. It’s not so different than adult airplane beer farts.

I once sat two seats from (I was aisle, she was window) a woman who removed her shoes, clipped her toenails (letting them fall on the floor), and files her heels (letting the skin fall in huge piles on the floor). It was one of the foulest things ever. Sometimes I catch myself rooting for a superflu epidemic.

That Tumblr is laughable It’s a literal representation of someone looking for reasons to be offended. Shit like that is the precise reason that dipshit Trump supporters actually can get traction when they attack “social justice warriors.”

No, it’s a scam. Especially given that the speed limit in most places is not set by an actual traffic engineer but rather some dopey city employee who slaps a sign up. We have 4 lane divided roads with limited stoplights where the posted speed limit is 30, and there’s a photo radar van parked there every fucking day.

Yes, there is due process virtually everywhere. That’s why you’re only reading about the judge nullifying the process in this small town. Most everywhere else already has a legal program in place.

In Denver you get a picture of your license plate as well as a picture of the driver at the time. My wife’s car is registered in my name. I always just check the “I am not the driver in this picture” box, and that’s that.

GTFO. Illinois says “We’re 50th and we’re proud.” I believe that the rate of people leaving Illinois is currently the highest in the nation.

Not a scientific study—more like a statistical analysis of correlations.

Now playing

Not only sexy as fuck, but it was a pretty revolutionary performance. The first interpretation that I’m aware of was Jose Feliciano at the World Series. He caught a lot of shit for it, but I thought that we had moved beyond that in 2017. (Although I thought we had moved beyond a lot of shit by 2017, and that turns out

Now playing

As someone who wasn’t aware the controversy, I don’t understand what people’s objection was to her rendition. I watched the youtube of the performance. It was fine—arguably better than fine. Is the objection that she did a personal interpretation? People have to be used to that by now, right? Especially at the NBA All

Of course, this all means nothing if you’re not willing to pony up the $5.99 a month for CBS All Access where the series will air exclusively. If you’re still not sold, the The Good Fight premieres Sunday, February 19 at 8 pm on CBS proper, with future episodes released on Sundays for subscribers.

Could never happen in Colorado.