As I’ve said around here before, I call Kellyanne the Tauntuan (look it up).
As I’ve said around here before, I call Kellyanne the Tauntuan (look it up).
Yeah, they’ve done such a good job of taking down Trump and his advisors. I’m sure they’ve just been waiting to take down Kellyanne until she did something really egregious.
You were too busy getting all hooped up on the reefer and listening to your Doors albums. Leave it to the third and fourth graders to take care of real business.
Awesome, but not enough societal breakdown.
That 12th supercarrier strike group isn’t going to build itself you fucking pinko, pantywaist libturd.
Have YOU ever had to chose between a Cerulean Blue Gulfstream or a Cream White Gulfstream?
Suburban Chicago.
I do think there’s a special hate-on certain types of people have for a woman who is loud about her happy sex life
And Nebraska is now the only Power 5 team that has never won a tournament game.
All those are true, and, yes, the chance for military conflict is probably higher than it’s been (well, since 2003), but I still think that doesn’t necessarily translate to a meaningfully higher chance of a nuclear war. I think it’s a tough argument to say, right now, that this is the closest we’ve been to the whole…
I don’t necessarily disagree that the strategic nuclear arsenal could easily be 25% of what it is today. Keep the subs; everything else bye-bye.
Or if you really want to save (and you should since expensive vitamins are pretty much bullshit) you could do this for $10.50/year.
Presumably, it means the difference between your personal expectations and actual performance. In reality it’s just marketing bullshit gobbeldygoop.
On the upside, it may be a quick way to clear out the Canada Goose infestation that we have in this country.
Why are you living in fear of a nuclear war? While it’s a non-zero probability, it’s still pretty damn close to zero. I’d be much more concerned about an internet attack that destroys power and water systems. That strikes me as much more likely and, long term, just as damaging.
I’ll be damned. Thanks for posting.
Austin used to be a great city. Now it can’t decide whether it wants to be LA or Brooklyn, but it’s definitely missing a lot of what used to be good about Austin.
I lived in Austin in the mid-90s. SXSW was awesome, but I can distinctly remember wondering back then whether it had gotten too big. I can only imagine it now.
Thanks for checking in, Carrie Nation. Sharpen up that hatchet.