This is my burner. There are many like it, but this one is mine

He flew too close to the sun, as it were

The Coach was on the floor and didn’t get his team ready to play he blew the game

I’m pretty sure cloning Ayn Rand’s skin, so he can make a fleshlight out of it, is also another goal he has in life.

What Trump offers is less a Budget Proposal and more a Modest Proposal.

For Macs Sophos antivirus works a treat, and it’s free for personal use.

those damn Red Sox can’t catch a break

My bracket thanks him for his sacrifice.

The people who do the meaningful work at nasa (designing, building, assembling, launching) have no interest in canada. Despite the anecdotal evidence provided in this article, very few of the people who end up working for nasa were inspired to do so because of the office of education. This frees up money to accomplish

Michael Kay

Author completely ignored existence (on both sides) of secure second strike capability -SLBMs desplyed on submarines at sea...

She has agreed not to die for four years, so as not to embarrass anyone at the funeral.

Yep, totally. I only mildly disagree with one thing you’re saying.

If only the USA had beaten Canada in Toronto in the same fashion: “Hosmer Homers, Hoser Homers Hosed”.

Perfectly correct. I have total lossed multiple claimants’ vehicles that were not damaged sufficiently to be totaled out because parts weren’t available, would not be available for months, and that meant the carrier was on the hook for loss of use for the whole. That cost adds up QUICK. A Tesla would definitely the

They should be #2.

1. Image

Tesla sold 16000 Model S’s in Q3 2016. This is an international figure obviously, but any way you look at it- this is NOT a limited production supercar.

If you’re going to be critical of little details like that, you should learn to write “Teslas” instead of “tesla’s”.

The 1st scene in the movie should have been Vader in his new abode and the last scene in the movie his storming the ship. It would make some nice continuity if you watch RotS > R1 > ANH.

I cast “CRUISE MISSILE” at the dark cave!