It’s a little like “except for that nastiness, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln.”
It’s a little like “except for that nastiness, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln.”
This was Ladbrokes, and to be clear it was that he would resign or get impeached at some point during 4 years (not the first 12 months)
Technically, wouldn’t it be only “pants on fire.”
It’s often impossible to find the exact price tag for your care,
I don’t know that answer. It seems likely that there would be some parliamentary tricks, but if there aren’t, all the better.
If there were some absolutely bonkers Russian shit (come on piss video), you might be able to get the Dems plus some fraction of the Republicans to impeach him (would obviously have to include both Ryan and McConnell, so that makes it less likely).
The British betting sites now have it odds on (odds of 10/11 or 52+% chance) that Trump will get impeached or resign during his term. I suspect that a lot of those bets are voodoo wish fulfillment, but there has to be some smart money in there as well (looking at you Russian mafia).
Trump was ostensibly calling him a “retard” and other unflattering names in front of people. I can’t remember exactly where I read/heard it, but I was not at all surprised—pussy grabbing and all.
Exactly. This is just an unusual marketing ploy. It’s not an item that anyone needs or is medically advocated. Take some fiber, you’ll be pooping just fine.
Exactly. This is just an unusual marketing ploy. It’s not an item that anyone needs or is medically advocated. Take…
Good news for you. Now that it’s owned by Vail, I’m sure they’ll raise the prices to keep up with their other resorts. $189 for a full day at Beaver Creek this year.
which is nothing close to “jewelry value”
Yea Alyeska is only 42 miles from an airport. The problem is that airport is 3,500 miles from most Americans. Methodology, suspect.
His fucking environmental work? You mean like when he spent years opposing the Cape Wind development because it would ruin the view from Hyannisport or Marthas Vineyard or wherever. Fuck that guy with a rusty tire iron. I’d rather he was just the run-of-the-mill Kennedy pervert/drug abuser than what he is.
The whisper story is that Barron Trump is autistic and Cheetolini has been heard saying some absolutely horrible things about him.
Yeah, but the caviar pizza washed down with cold Stoli is going to be so bigly.
Wait until the NRA gets into the bookmaking business.
It’s just like a doctor (and why private planes are sometimes called “doctor killers”), maybe even worse. He’s surrounded by people all day long who will never tell him no, tell him he’s the greatest, never question his decisions. He thinks that extends to his ability to fly planes without much day-in, day-out…
But you’d do that in private. Since Trump isn’t a dictator, he (and they) run the very real risk of getting his orange ass kicked to the curb. Then they have nothing. The US rights its ship, and Russia’s in a worse position. Something else is afoot here.