So someone was just trying to show the magnitude of Wyoming’s overrepresentation and not trying to make a serious argument that California should get 199 votes? OK, but a silly point.
So someone was just trying to show the magnitude of Wyoming’s overrepresentation and not trying to make a serious argument that California should get 199 votes? OK, but a silly point.
I’m saying that in very few instances would you ever get the same value back for what you paid for a piece of jewelry—especially in a forced sale.
If Trump gets impeached, they’re back to square one (or probably behind square one since future administrations—including the Pence administration—will have to be ultra hard line against Russia). If they give Trump a little support and some easy victories, then they can have the buffoon in office for 8 years doing…
Even if the piss tape, or worse, is real (50/50 odds at worst) this still doesn’t seem like quite the right way for Russia to play it. Something much deeper is going on here. It’s like they want to see how far they can degrade him with him just taking it. The problem is that at some point even the bootlicking…
If that’s true, they’re not acting like it. They’re basically backing him into a corner with everything that they do. At some point, even a guy like Trump (especially a guy like Trump) is going to say Fuck You to them and increase sanctions, redeploy the missile interceptors to Poland, put more NATO troops in the…
I’ve read that article three times now. In no place does it show any math that results in California having 198 electors out of a total of 538 (37%). California’s population is approximately 38.8 million out of a total US population of 320 million (12.1%). You’re still going to have to show your math. There’s no…
Worth pointing out is that it’s a side view of the Capital from Anacostia. Not the straight on view that you usually get.
(if it was accurate California would have 198 electors, not 55
I know. I was just making a (lame) joke about HamNo’s love of index ETFs and his penchant for articles about asset allocation.
That’s only sort of correct. No bank would ever consider jewelry in its definition of liquidity. If you had to meet a liquidity covenant in a legal doc, you could never ever post jewelry. In addition to quick conversion to cash, liquidity also implies conversion at or near something’s (knowable) value. The biggest…
I hear there’s a sale on Mountain Dew.
Not trying to be a dick, but jewelry neither holds its value well nor is liquid. The insurance point is well-taken though.
What, this stupid article? I agree it’s not ok. It’s the worst sort of clickbait—presumably just to allow commenters to make jokes about the nature of irony.
Is D league intended to be a full-time job? I know that players in the pro lacrosse leagues (both indoor and outdoor) almost all have “real jobs” plus their lacrosse job.
There is literally nothing that you can do to alter your chances of being searched. Most TSA employees are living incompetence. in 98% of the cases you will not be searched because they aren’t really paying attention. (Remember the “tests” when 90%+ of test guns made it through). In the other 2% of cases, there is…
That is the the most mediocre of takes. Minorities should fear you.
It’s a bit of chicken and egg, but there are many airports in the country where prices are not as overinflated and the vendors are still able to make their required profit margin. It all starts with the rents.