This is my burner. There are many like it, but this one is mine

Not entirely true. Improved equipment that I was talking about (versus the stuff that Frank Reich and I played with as kids) does have a significant effect. It’s also not that hard for the NFL to make a rule that prohibits all helmet-to-helmet hits as well as requires arms to be used to make a tackle.

You feel very strongly about this, I see.

Right. Let’s allow them their “historical claim” to the Senkakus while we all go temporarily senile whenever Tibet or Taiwan is the subject. Which historical claims are we validating?

But no one was attributing it to “mystique” ever—that somehow Tiger was good because he was black. In fact, there was a lot that implied the opposite. If you remember, the media was full of reports of Tiger’s 15 hour days of golf practice, how he did nothing but golf from sun up to sun down. They loved to talk about

Actually, I doubt it. I’d guess that it will show that the majority of deleterious CTE effects occur at the Div 1 college level and above.

You may know the First Amendment, but Tiger as an example of the “magical Negro” trope was pretty wide of the mark (which is not to say that it doesn’t exist in other areas). They thought Tiger was going to kick their ass because, at the time, he was meaningfully better at golf; melanin and wizardry had nothing to do

What? How is that relevant? Even if it’s true, I don’t think that the Pentagon is obliged to share with you the strategic and tactical battle plans, are they?

Because it’s possible that the retail operation is now worth <$0, and it’ll cost money to wind it down if a buyer is reall only interested in the real estate. The name really isn’t worth anything (see the history of Foley’s, Marshall Field’s, Dayton’s, Hudson’s, May’s etc.). And as the other guy said, there’s probably

But only if you were one of the hot girls working at the pizza place. We looked down on those scrubs who worked at the mall movie theater (that is, until they were revealed to be the more caring guys after we had our abortions).

The big reason that Sears won’t make it is that suppliers will no longer take Sears’ bankruptcy risk. Instead of supplying them with product and 90 day payment terms (for example) many suppliers are now saying that Sears has to pay them at the time the product is delivered. That’s huge, and effectively means that

The reason BMWs and VWs are extremely popular in Germany and across Europe is because they are excellent cars.

I call her the Tauntaun. She’s rode hard and put away wet, but in an absolute emergency you might get inside her.

Not four years, just three plus. That makes me feel better every time. Soon it will be only two plus, and let’s face it, we’re really only two years away from the start of the 2020 election.

Cumberbatch and Sherlock are played out. Frankly, I’d rather see another RDJ Holmes movie than another season of this.

The bedrock of the entire enterprise is cynicism. If they haven’t stopped covering every time the cheeto in chief tweets (and the “political” blog doesn’t even exist anymore) then Deadspin sure as fuck isn’t going to stop covering the NFL. It’s like asking the sun to stop rising in the east every morning.

Anyone who isn’t onboard with that should be primaried at the earliest opportunity.

From the stories today (or at least what was implied in them) it sounds like old Mark Davis and the Raiders came too hard at Sheldon Adelson (you know, the guy putting up the money) in their contract negotiations and Adelson told them to beat it back to Oakland. I know it seems unlikely that Mark Davis would fuck

That’s quite an insight. You should write a movie. Oh wait, Spike Lee wrote that exact movie 30 years ago.

For what it’s worth, Trump was one of the only GOPers who stood up during the North Carolina HB2 fiasco and said “let them use whatever bathroom they’re most comfortable with.” So at least he’s been fairly consistent on this one issue.

Technically, it’s an Entertainment and Sports Programming Network, so I’d say “anything goes” as long as it’s entertaining.