Trumpmato Troll

ever see a grown man naked

Youtake drugs, Danny?

The MLB hasn’t done this much to prevent tumors in the clubhouse since they banned Drake LaRoche.

Yeah! Tell those Orange and Black assholes to share the wealth!

Good point about the Mets. It would be great for Oakland if they had some sort of Sandy Alderson-esque GM, a protege or acolyte, and they could institute a smart management system. Call it, I don’t know, Sandyball.

The Cubs sort of benefited too this year. There is no way they win a game 7 at Wrigley Field without Schwarber and with the Wrigley crowd of 40k hyperventilating in unison. Going on the road for the last 2 games was the best thing that could have happened to them IMO.

True. I’m merely pointing out that saying it no longer serves a purpose i disingenuous.

But GeForce Experience runs TB’s worth of data in the background on your computer and will cripple your frames! I know this is true because I saw it posted on a forum once!

I hope he ends up going to LSU so we can have a companion headline...

Wyoming is beautiful, especially when compared to the over-sized roach motel that is New York. Throw in the smug, “worship me because I live in this shitty city” New Yorkers and anything in Wyoming would be a steal.

As much as I feel for Henderson, his beef is with the union, not the NFL. The zero-tolerance policy for marijuana was collectively bargained, so players can’t use it. End of story.

We can condemn Hitler without marveling at how he rebuilt the German highway system & we can call Castro what he was a ruthless murdering dictator; without bringing up that time he encouraged his people to read. If you have a problem with the VERY FAIR & nuanced approach LeBatard presented his piece; I don’t know what

I get the impulse behind this post, because I don’t think any group has done a worse job representing the interests of actual Cubans in Cuba than the older generation of Cuban refugees, so I don’t want to react angrily but this trend of Castro apologia is just sad and wrong. The older Cubans preoccupation with the

Nope, didn’t miss that point at all, but that point really has nothing to do with whether Castro was a good person who did a good job of running Cuba.

LOL. I suppose I should be thankful that the last 7 years of herky-jerky manual control on the Metro is essentially the Viper Mark II of mass transit, completely safe from Cylon attack.

My childhood dog would always hide somewhere and whine every time anyone ran a bath, but not a shower. We eventually realized that since no one in our family basically ever took baths (just showers), our dog had learned to recognize the difference in sound pitch between a running showerhead and a running bath faucet,

There is a simple solution. Bring in lots of undocumented foreign workers, who are willing to work for a pittance, and then you will have both the workforce and the reduced costs.

Neck beard 4ever

That must mean the NCAA is close to dropping the hammer on UNC, right? Right?

Elon Musk is an anagram for Nuke Ol Ms.