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    Man, I hope the new PTA isn’t as normal as it looks. All bets are still off, as what appeared to be a high-brow period piece in Phantom Thread very suddenly turned into some kind of emetofeliac kink-fest by the end.

    The premise of the article seems a little off-base, at least for Lynch. For me, the biggest downside of all this is that it potentially takes time away from WHATEVER Unrecorded Night is/was.
    If Lynch can make money off some more ugly doodles — grand. It hopefully just reduces his need to seek outside funding for future

    Honestly, the Beatles staying together for even another year past 1970 could only detract from their legacy. Whoever broke them up deserves credit for stamping The End at exactly the right time. They had traced a perfect artistic arc that had circled back to their beginnings (Let It Be) and had just made what is

    As regards Cliff, I think you’re better saying what I intended to say. His sense of melodicism was the more sophisticated and the band benefited as a whole — even up to and including the more melodically interesting moments on Black Album, even though he’d been dead and gone for several years. I dont think Hetfield

    But those ‘justice for jason’ mixes on youtube really are worth it. Maybe it’s being in bands, I tune in more to the mix, but Justice always sounded hallow, carried along purely on the quality of its music. To be sure, I don’t hold some kind of fan-grudge about it, but cranking one of the bootleg mixes puts that album

    Well, and now we need to bring up Cliff Burton, whose bass playing was distinct (maybe not as distinct as Geezer’s) but whose real contribution was the melodic sense he brought to Metallica’s thrash. He didn’t just ride root notes (as great as that felt in the Newstead years).

    This was a good piece. I didn’t expect Metallica’s reissue effort around Black album to be quite so... exhaustive. It’s all the better for it, though. If only because we got Phoebe Bridgers version of Nothing Else MAtters, which made me like both Metallica and PB more.

    That was such a low-key masterpiece zing. It didn’t seem like the others heard, but holy shit was that fast.

    Glad to see the Lockwood book on here. My favorite of the year so far. 

    Now playing

    Hot damn, just watched the trailer (or whatever this is). Looks and sounds amazing.

    HELLOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOOO  (La la laaaaa)

    I thought he looked exactly like that actor from that 80's show Knight Ridder

    Ha, that’s right, I forgot about that. Oh well, with a flick of Miyagi’s wrist, the yellow Danny-mobile was back in working order. I’m sure there’ll be a scene in the next season of him flaunting that the car still runs. 

    It is also entirely possible an 18 year old left Danny ‘get off my case! Larusso simply to date a UCLA football player. No stain on Ali and I’m welcoming her back (?) to the KK universe with open arms.

    Yeah, or the Hail Satan EP


    Seems reasonable to mention that we are all reacting to one quote in an interview about a movie we’ve only seen thirty seconds of, none of which includes a full depiction of Trump. 

    Perfectly cromulent interview. As somebody who WAS 10 when the Simpsons first began airing, I’m not a latter-day hater. I consider having stopped watching as more like passing the torch. I assume the show kept having great episodes after the year 2000, but I had just fully absorbed it and didn’t need new Simpsons

    Awesome illustration at the top. I’d wear the t-shirt.

    The video argues the actual plot of the show is sort of an exegesis on violence, television, and mediocre entertainment. Why he is making the show is reflected IN the plot. Characters are stand-ins for things like Twin PEaks’ audience, the director, the network, American popular culture, Television, Cinema, the