
He didn’t just ride root notes (as great as that felt in the Newstead years).”

Also, regarding “what Bob Rock did”, Metallica have been putting out a podcast series on the making of the Black Album. I’d highly recommend listening to it. The first episode focuses on their early days, but the next few really focus in on the making of that album, as well as their live shows from that era. There’s

I don’t know how big of a Metallica fan you are, but their reissues of RTL, MOP, and AJFA were all quite exhaustive. They definitely didn’t get the same media attention since the albums weren’t nearly as successful on a commercial level as The Black Album.

This. I know nothing about mixing now and I sure didn’t as a 12 year old listening to AJFA, but even then I knew that mix was fucking weird and had no low end. Even my store bought cassette sounded like a dubbed Memorex copy.

Hey, I just want to pop in and tell people that, if they want to watch a version of the vigilante genre that has pretty cool politics, you could watch 1974's Street Law/Il cittadino si ribella. Franco Nero gets beat up by a stand-in group of Ordine Nuovo neo-fascists, and the police are apathetic to the point of

I kinda hate all sides in this one

I’d make a case for Bill & Ted Face the Music being, if nothing else, the absolute right movie at exactly the right time, but I’m lazy.

I question Mank being on this list at all.  I really do!

A single tear runs up Christopher Nolan’s cheek...

I’m concerned about the lack of Paul Walter Hauser in the trailer

Discovering this show earlier this year was a blast. Can’t believe how pitch-perfect a continuation it is. It takes everything as seriously as it needs to be taken...while still acknowledging how silly it is that these two grown men have “warring karate dojos.” Kumiko and Chozen being back is wonderful news. So hyped.

Kind of ignoring the really exciting part: Kumiko and Chozen are back! Though rather oddly there’s no sign of Ali despite the obvious tease at the end of Season 2.

Pete Buttigieg, who is most famous for running a failed presidential campaign...”

Excellent summary of the summary of the summary video!

I went in fully thinking I was going to hate it but it totally blew my fucking mind over and over and over and over again.  The thing about Naido pointing him to the correct episode is what sealed the deal for me.  I’m a true believer in this theory  

I watched the full 4 hours and it goes by quickly.   Absolutely worth every minute.   It all makes total sense to me.   

Yes. Trust the commenter with the button-mash username. Even if you don’t agree with it (though I’m convinced), it’s utterly riveting. It popped up in my recommended videos, I scoffed at the running time, started playing it to see just how terrible this four-hour clickbait was going to be...and then ended up glued to

I have a vague theory that one of the reasons season four struggled (beyond the difficulty of getting all the actors’ schedules aligned) was that it didn’t have a political force to push back against. The first three seasons functioned as a Bush-era satire in a way that had less meat in the Obama years. Under Trump,

Yeah all this moral posturing over pop culture is a lot closer to consumerism than the activism people seem to think they’re engaging in.

“That evening, he says, he received an email from Jill Soloway (which Soloway confirms she sent). “She wrote these words: ‘They have been after Maura from the beginning.’”