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    His argument is that Twin Peaks (from Lynch’s perspective) was conceived to be a corrective to what the director saw to be shallow portrayals of murder and violence on television. Dead bodies were Macguffins to be sorted out completely in 30 minutes. He believed this was poisoning the souls of Americans.

    Agreed on the episdoe 3/13 Naido stuff. Every time the guy said something stupid-sounding with confidence in the explainer, I was like, “You’re about to crumble, my dude.” And then he’d provide several scenes’ worth of textual evidence and I would just be like... “HOLY SHIT I’M A MORON IT’S ALL TRUE!”


    I haven’t commented on this website in probably five years, but I’m back to say this headline has my full support. 

    I will now subscribe to this theory.

    The way Daly said, “Promotional consideration provided by...” was like the secret key to a synaptic warp zone back to my childhood.

    This is an all-timer

    GRLwood is amazing live. Saw them in Cincinnati last year and my face is still growing back.

    I’m of the same opinion. Granted, I’m an old asshole from the ZodiacMF days, so the site just may be skewing younger as I close in on 40.

    Wasn’t the biggest fan of season 1, but I’ll probably watch season 2 to read Stephens’ reviews. After the way she handled Twin Peaks, I’d be interested to see what she makes of even a mediocre season of TV.

    I enjoy Clayton’s take (ntm all of Emily’s write-ups this season), but I still hoped we would have a totally different resolution at season’s end — while privately dreading that, yes, ultimately we’ll get the David Lynch Special of an open-ended resolution hinting at eternal hopelessness for its characters.