“Vell, dot ist dependink on vether or nein hyu consider der lebensraum to be ‘foreign’.... Oh, hyu said ‘06, not ‘36. Neffer mind!”
FIFA will find themselves in the same situation that cycling did during the doping era, and that is that everyone was doping. Everyone in FIFA is corrupt, pays bribes, takes bribes and so on so they have to figure out how to move on from here into a process that is best for the sport and not for bribes.
I hope he gets every fucking penny, continues his education, and has a better life than any of those sad ass mother fuckers ever will.
The guy in the middle thought about it, spent a lot of time deliberating, and then before the buzzer goes off... “ah fuck it here’s my dick”
I’m not sure what’s more annoying to watch between interviews in the locker room, or interviewing MLB managers in the playoffs while there team is on the field. I don’t even like the halftime inverviews in the NBA when the coach is trying to run off the court and gets grabbed by a TNT hack.
Thank you! So do you get your $1300/4x ticket cost right then, or are you then in charge of finding your own way to your destination and then they reimburse you later?
thanks for that tip! these are really helpful for the next time i have to... gulp... fly the unfriendly skies.
Didn’t know this. Thanks!
I’m a relatively frequent business traveler and didn’t know that was the law. But there it is on the DOT site - if you are involuntarily bumped they are required to compensate you by 400% or $1300 for rebooking you on a flight that gets you to your destination more than 2 hours later than your original ticket (4 hours…
“...with one hand waving free” is high Dylan. Only its butchered version from Crowe is Yoko-esque. i’m sorry to see that great line defiled. Elizabethtown hurt me for the first time...today.
Other equally awful films : Pretty Woman and The Notebook
“Word on the street is I’m not his favorite person.”
So, why should I care about the NFL?
I want him to wear it anyway SO BAD so that we can watch the NFL punish/fine him for wearing pink for breast cancer awareness. I need this.
You know because anyone being out of uniform in the NFL will cause total anarchy and next thing you know dogs and cats are living together. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?
This was my brother’s wedding in NC. There was cake, tea, and awkwardness. My SIL’s brother provided some twangy pickin’ on his guitar as the lone entertainment. It was incredibly boring, but fortunately only lasted a couple of hours before our family of boozy gyrating sinners were free to go celebrate elsewhere.
I think if more guests or grooms could dance like the folks in that video it would encourage more weddings elsewhere in the world.
Needs to at least be asked: did you get her OK before posting this?