I sincerely hope not, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they tried it.
I sincerely hope not, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they tried it.
So you’re admitting that they cheat, but you love them anyway?
Thank you for this! I had no idea.
Did cycling ever find their way out of doping though? Serious question. Yeah we heard all about Lance Armstrong and his crew, but were there any specific steps taken to ensure that doping would never happen again?
See this a perfectly plausible and shocking description of FIFA. I think the only reason they got caught is because they stopped trying to hide the commonplace corruption.
But I do this all the time in Grand Theft Auto! I never get in trouble!
Why you gotta hate like that?
Similar to when private nudes of female celebrities are leaked, I shall now begin concern trolling and hand wringing over the future of these Bengals players.
Excellent question, which is another matter entirely.
The reason you didn’t know that rule is because you don’t expect to be dicked around so egregiously. Yet I bet it happens all the time.
When you get involuntarily booted from a flight, you need to know your rights. AA and all airlines have every incentive to lower their involuntary bumps because the Department of Transportation will investigate if they see high numbers. That’s why gate agents are incentivized themselves to get you to be a voluntary…
Or a bag.
You know what’s worse? I didn’t need Lithgow! I already had Kid n Play!
No firearms are allowed to be used? Chechnya is one step ahead of the United States then.
I can live with these two stupid companies advertising on every damn channel. What I cannot live with is that the advertising has even infiltrated The League. So far, two episodes this season have pimped DraftKings.
Capitol Hill staffer and former campaign staffer here...
Irony time!!!!!!
I was just cuddling with my cat when I read your comment so...THANKS! ;)
This is so...I don’t know. Crowded.