Avery Jane Spencer

Good deal. I dont care if they exist frankly as its easily ignored, but at least get the damn commercials and sponsorship deals out of my face. I wanna punch that twat with the hat who won some big DK thing in the face that they play over and over again, or at least take a piss in his coffee.

Come on guys. Its just a coincidence that employees from rival sites keep winning money of each other...

If this was a group of senior citizens taking selfies, would you feel as certain of their narcissism and inability to connect to the world around them? That’s a hell of an assumption to make from a brief clip. Lots of people take selfies. I see nerds doing it at Comic-Con, skater kids doing it at the park, volunteers

They were entertaining themselves *and* taking part in a promotion actually run by the stadium while fuck all was happening on the field. How do I know nothing worth watching was happening in the game? Because the announcers were showing these girls on the screen and mocking them, instead of talking about anything

Well aren’t you just a sanctimonious twat!

Baseball is boring as fuck. I don’t know what you mean by “inability to connect to the world around them”, but I have a feeling you also yell things like “get off my lawn!”

They were participating in a promotion that involved taking selfies put on by the stadium. It had just been announced right before this clip.

Matt Damon, stop talking. Just stop.

Thanks to no fault divorce and Loving v Virginia, you can get remarried into as many interracial marriages as you want!

Marriage is between a man and woman... until they decide to divorce and marry someone else. How precious marriage is. We must save the sanctity of marriage!

What they don’t mention is that the “foreign” girl ended up in that orphanage because her parents couldn’t afford another mouth to feed because they have no access to contraceptives, sex ed and family planning, or legal abortions. Or her parents died because religious nuts convinced them to fuck without condoms. Or

I work in financial services, a bastion of white conservative Republicans. I’ve seen an interesting shift there and it’s away from this sort of bullshit. The most conservative woman I know recently said something I found interesting: “The social issues are done. We’re finished there. The Supreme Court has made that

We could easily solve the mass incarceration problem by not incarcerating *non* violent offenders. Stop jailing people for being addicted to drugs, failing to pay court fines, being homeless etc. so when guys like this show up, we can lock him up and throw away the key.

I’m sure he’ll be fine. He has an enormous platform. He doesn’t really need your fervent defense to save him from anything.

How do people “get it” without criticism? How can anyone get anything if the second anyone calls them out for problematic behavior, our response is to claim they’re being “demonized,” or subjected to a “mob” out on a “witch hunt?” When did it become a thing that criticism is just like being torn apart by wolves? And

“Perhaps your Manifest Destiny is to shut the fuck up.”

Started a conversation? Started? Yeah, Matt, you’re a real pioneer. Nobody was talking about diversity in the film industry until you mentioned it.

Sorry, Chief