You know what sounds more like a money hustle to me? This Hot Take. When’s the last time Damon Wayans did anything even remotely culturally relevant? Sit the fuck down, Major Payne.
You know what sounds more like a money hustle to me? This Hot Take. When’s the last time Damon Wayans did anything even remotely culturally relevant? Sit the fuck down, Major Payne.
It came out too dark! Breakfast is RUINED!
Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.
But doesn’t let them follow him back—because, scary, right? Black folks following and all.
Because they are drawn towards the player they most want to have sex with. Not the player that is the most dynamic athlete or most enjoyable to watch from an athletic standpoint. I think an argument can be made that Serena is the best female athlete of a generation.
... What’s the market value of a woman’s orgasm?
Rovell: Maybe it turns out racism isn’t even racist. Maybe it turns out the invisible hand is black.
“You can’t spell Rovell without lover...” Rovell says to himself in the mirror as he applies a handful of hair gel.
Everything is fine because Darren is not racist. In fact, he follows several black people on Twitter.
Excuse me, friend, but correlation does not equal causation.
The third shift fry cook at my local McDonald's, who gave me food poisoning last month, is better at his job than Rovell.
Darren Rovell - Unaware tennis is and has always been a predominantly white sport with a white fanbase.
Now you’re getting me - turnover absolutely is bad for most companies, and they could save money by simply paying good workers who are already proven a little more. But that’s not how shareholders see it, which is why I don’t typically take things personally - I just leave instead of trying to guilt managers into…
Then why did they all die broke and ridden with STDs?
They also owned slaves, declared slaves to be 3/5th a person, sure they were smart....250 years ago. How about we stop acting like everything they wrote is exactly as relevant today as it was back then.
Yeah, and that made sense in 1789, when the strongest a military could be is an army of a few thousand men, unarmored, firing slow-loading muskets that had terrible aim. There were no automatic weapons, or planes, or bombs, or rockets, or grenades, or tanks, or night-vision goggles, or nuclear weapons. It also made…
That’s a dumb argument now-a-days. When the Bill of Rights was written, it was possible for a populace to fight back against the government when the government only had muskets and cannons.
It depends on what you mean by “smart”. They were certainly gifted thinkers but they were also unmistakably men of their time. Just about any modern Med school student probably knows more than the smartest Doctor of the 18th century about curing disease. Likewise, we know a ton of shit about governing that they…
Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America
*shrug* So what?