Oh God, my husband “cleans” the things that are already presentable and working and ignores the giant piles he makes in the corners while doing so. It makes me absolutely nuts.
Oh God, my husband “cleans” the things that are already presentable and working and ignores the giant piles he makes in the corners while doing so. It makes me absolutely nuts.
I hate how the article basically condones that it’s alright to get mad at people for not mind reading that the comments you didn’t mean what YOU said.
I’ll admit that when I got to the part about them having a nanny and a house cleaner, in addition to working from home, I may have strained my eyeballs due to over rolling.
Oh god, I hate how self satisfied he sounded when he said: “I carry ALL the groceries.”
Go to the supermarket and then carry the bags home, you self congratulating twat
My biggest beef with my husband when we were in the throes of childrearing — he would “help” by doing things that didn’t need to be done right then. For example, we’re preparing for a family gathering and he helps by cleaning the garage. Then he gets mad when I get mad, because it’s not like he’s doing NOTHING.…
Turned off the video when it was mentioned that they named their son “Jupiter.”
How much of a loser do you have to be to donate money to help the richest player in the NFL fight a suspension?
Maybe women’s misogyny hurts you as an individual more emotionally, but, in aggregate, it’s actually men’s misogyny that materially hurts women as a group more, since men hold the majority of the formal and informal power in society.
Well, what we’re seeing right now, we’re seeing Bible-believing Christians being persecuted for living according to their faith
Yeah, I never understand why so many people seem to think if you care about the ring/wedding/honeymoon/pictures/whateverthefuckisimportanttoyou you can’t ALSO care even more about the actual relationship that all this stuff is celebrating.
So, what, just pretend he didn't beat multiple women, particularly black women?
So then black men should be allowed to rape and beat women because they have been marginalized, is what you’re saying?
Calling out an abuser is not being a “jealous liberal fucktard.” It’s not like he made a one off, innocent mistake.
Fairly certain a good way to not get “pull[ed] back down” by people is to NOT engage in repeated physical abuse of others, regardless of whether one’s star is rising or achieved its zenith. That has nothing to do with being black or white, or liberal or conservative; it has to do with being a decent human being or…
Also, complex characters are entertaining. You know how you can make a character more complex? Show the good AND bad things that they do. You know, like how actual humans behave.
What does Dre’s race have to do with anything? Did he or did he not beat the fuck out of a female reporter for doing her job?
It’s like, if Oprah says it’s a powerful movie, and we know how she feels about how women are depicted in film and entertainment and things like that — I feel like you’re digging. We should be focusing on how the police are treating innocent American citizens. What about that?
“If you’re looking to be politically correct in entertainment ... that’s the end of entertainment.”
This is the first thing I see when I open the internet today. Who knew a 15 year old from Iowa could give me such joy on my birthday? I feel like Jared Fogle.