Avery Jane Spencer

thank you. i got into a “discussion” with a latino immigrant who swore blacks didn’t save themselves by marching and standing up for themselves but that it was the white man’s gift to us. yes, i told him to go back to wherever the fuck he came from since it was the waterhoses on young black kids that got the civil

I’m so happy whenever I see people point out that the Help is one of the most offensive piece of shit books/movies ever created.

That’s not the point, bro. The point is that POC are under represented in Hollywood and there are Latina actresses out there that could have been cast instead of a British white lady.

I’m going to guess you are white since you are okay with white girls being given credit for shit they totally didn’t do, and since you find it “believable” that we even needed help from ditzy white girls.

This person is showing how black history is totally erased from school curricula bc she thinks it is “realistic” that we silly Negroes would have needed help from a white girl in telling our story. She is pretty stupid.

After a few years passed, I watched it. Like you, I didn’t want to get outraged about it. If it had just been a light, forgettable summer movie that we all would’ve ignored I would’ve been fine. But it wasn’t.

That shitstorm (pun intended) won OSCARS! A-fucking-WARDS!

A movie with more poop humor than Bridesmaids, and

Look at the role: “Hula dancing expert with a functional knowledge of Hawaiian folk guitar who rhapsodizes about the islander spiritual energy mana when she isn’t attempting to save the archipelago from a creeping military-industrial complex.”

Yes! And have you noticed how in “fantasy” worlds, where all ethnicities could viably exist, only white people are cast? Like in Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings. It’s not real life, it’s not historical. So why can’t my people be in these kinds of shows/movies?! It’s like an entire subculture that completely shuts

You’re seriously missing the point. Oh, does the Whiteness in all of these comments really seep through. Lol.

I honestly can’t wrap my brain around the concept of a movie this offensively bad getting made. And I sat through Left Behind. Granted, I was super baked, and loved every ridiculous second, but Aloha doesn’t even have the saving grace of a good hate-watch. It’s just insulting to its viewers to assume we wouldn't

The problem, more, may be visible in the aggregate: the number of people who thought it was fine to make an all-white movie called ~*~ Aloha ~*~ about the only state with an Asian majority population

Yes! Exactly!

What gets me is that this is an original screenplay by Cameron Crowe, right? If he wanted to, he could just make the character white! It’s not like there are fans of the original source material who will notice something, so just name her Allison Smith. It’s not like there’s anything in “Hula dancing expert with a

For everyone commenting with anecdotes about their Hapa friends/relatives/dog walkers/random persons: NOT THE FUCKING POINT.

I want so badly to admire Emma Stone. I loved Easy A. Really just adore that movie. But jeezus fuck is she making it impossible. Between this and The Help and how many Woody Allen movies? I'm kinda done. She is not Olive.

Yeah, but was the character of partial Asian descent before they cast a white person, is the $5 question.

You guys, it's just SO HARD to find Asian actresses? It's not our fault that acting doesn't seem like a viable career choice for POC, so we perpetuate a system where the laziest, easiest option is to just hire another white face. SO HARD.

My favourite part of the feedback to all this is all the white people going, ‘It’s just a movie, it’s just acting why do you care’, but God forbid you cast a fictional superhero of another race, then it’s not ‘realistic’. Over it.