Joe P

Haha fair enough! Well every party needs a fool, so just leave it to me. Fun fact: popping on gawker while drinking is a good time. regular gawker = playing with an adolescent walrus (or opossum) drunk gawker = playing with fox cubs :P

Ok FINE. Two bottles a piece. That's pretty responsible. I mean, I hate to admit it, but the hangovers have gotten slightly worse the last few years... not that that should stop you! But it's a small consolation. But you know what will not be in moderation? Kick ass music and some funky tunes to groove to! I like to

I'm telling ya... Some of my best friendships have evolved around around the drink. I can't recall ever doing more than two bottles a sitting, so I might get pretty sloppy, but if you're up for it we can always shoot for more!!

you've learned more in life than me... it may be a few years before i have to swear off week night drinking. it's love/hate right now. but yeah, i'm down for sat the 10th or after. white wine is great! doesn't stain the teeth so we can still take some cute pics after a bottle and a half. so i'll get 4 bottles... NO

ho ho! Challenge accepted! Let me warn you, at 11 am central time i'm in the office still tipsy from running down a bottle of jack last night with my roomie while talking about girls till 3am. and that was just a normal night. not sure i should brag about that and sometimes i wonder how i still have this job ;P and if

let's seriously be friends. but only if you're game to go for 12 mimosas ;)

yeah it's great we could kill this creature if need be, but don't bring up eating!!

Oh you mean these guys? Come on, not so bad!


You're a unique person. And I salute you for that. I don't know if your tolerance for arachnids is merely foolhardy, or a brave new evolutionary gene ;)

Well your name is corpse goddess ;) but adorable really? To each their own! But just imagine you're sitting there eating your curds and whey. And along comes this spider, and sits down beside yer.... It'd give me the willies! (Although as a kid I was that little boy who put daddy long legs on girl's heads sooo :/ )

i don't think i'd ever be able to sleep again if i saw this in real life...

Haha random... my gf used to live on S. Forest, so I know that area and even building well. But yeah you're right, it's pretty obvious why the went for a Forest address versus a South U one!

Or in the original Greek "pepels is pepels".

The History of Virgin Births reminds me of one of my fav holiday books The history of Merging Girths about conjoined twins who put on some weight during college, but they work together and get in shape and do a triathlon. It's a good read :) ;) :P


I thought I was crazy, but nope... Mitten didn't make the list, wtf?!?!

seriously! We drink Jack too, and lots!