
Bowie’s son is 44, a year younger than I. Neither of us is “pushing 50" thankyouverymuch! ;-)

I smell a troll. Or, maybe just an idiot.

The son is 44 years old. That’s why he doesn’t have to wait. He is already well into adulthood. He is not a teenager. What are you even talking about??

I’m 40, and I’m not sure I’d be responsible with 12 million dollars.

Because 15-year-olds shouldn’t have 12 million dollars.

Maybe one problem is that since these movies are set in a time period that was “a long, long time ago” so people find a way to compartmentalize it and make pretty unhelpful comparisons between “then” and “now.”

Apparently he’s friends with the producer.

What. The. Fuck.


You know what I would love? More movies with black people just being people. Like dramas, character pieces, etc., with black people just being normal people, you know, like we are in real life. Not “black movies” (stay away Tyler Perry. Stay far, far away). Not slavery movies. Not Straight Outta Compton. Not Boyz in

Michael Schiavo was treated horribly and got the worst raw deal when the fucking congress intervened to collude with Terry’s parents’ denial and he was straight up demonized in the right wing press. It was monstrous how this whole thing was treated like a political football. I had to stop watching. There was something

“If you don’t wear this tacky piece of cheap jewelry (never mind it’s made in China) YOU HATE AMERICA.”

And to be honest, as much as I like Obama, he’s likely only a Christian for political reasons. I’m sure he’s agnostic or Deist or very low on the religious totem pole. But you don’t get elected by telling people that.

I can’t bear to find out if my sister-in-law and her husband are voting republican because they always do. They literally vote Republican because they think abortion is the worst thing in the world. They rely on Badgercare (Wisconsin’s low income health insurance) for their two children but they voted for Walker

Well Putin and Kim Jong-un are not scary ladies with blood coming out of their wherevers, so.

I so want someone to call Trump out on this Megan Kelly nonsense. If he can’t handle one Faux News reporter, how the hell can he handle Putin? Or Kim Jong-un?

Someone else said it on here before: he doesn’t want to be President, he just wants to be the best at/win at running.

I didn’t realise Anthony Bourdain and that economics professor were sexy women. Personally I thought the use of celebrity cut-aways was a clever piece of filmmaking.

Who were “the good guys” in The Big Short? Outside of Brad Pitt’s character, nobody was even remotely “good.”