
What makes them think they will appeal to younger voters? Just because they are forming a so-called “squad” doesn’t somehow make them relatable to young voters, who aren’t as dumb as the GOP seems to think they are. I heard nothing in that seven minute clip that would speak to the concerns of under-40 citizens. The

Bbubba baaath 

OOh gawd, he wants to run in 2024 doesn’t he? This is the obligatory book “writing" step...

I loved Anton Yelchin and Felicity Jones in Like Crazy. Such a quiet, underrated beautiful movie. 

I know a couple like this, though they don’t have any kids. They married late in life, both have businesses in their respective communities, and own property. The wife lives in a mid-sized Orange County suburb, which is too “urban” and “crowded” for her husband, who lives inland Central California desert. They see

I know a couple like this, though neither of them have kids. They married late in life, both own their own properties, and built businesses in their respective communities. The wife lives in a mid-sized suburb in Orange County, which is too “urban” for her husband, who prefers the rural life of inland Central

Everything this administration does makes me feel blinding rage and deeply, soul- crushingly embarrassed. Everything. 

Thanks for proving Julia Louis-Dreyfus' point. 

Michael Bay movies? (Not my guilty pleasure.)

You are wrong and you should feel bad about this terrible, bad, wrong opinion. 

It was. Article has the wrong photo.

Every time I see that girl’s name, I think apple martinis or Martinelli’s apple cider.

She mentions getting an advance in the book...so, that's not a thing. 

NO! Stay the FUCK away. Idiots are parking ON THE FREEWAY for the ‘gram. They don’t fucking care that they are destroying the very thing they came to see. They want their picture but they don’t care that if they smash the flowers, the plant can’t set seed for the future blooms. Stupid people are crossing over the “do

Omg how did the parents get your personal number and they actually threatened to sue you over their kid's shitty grade?! Ugh I hate people. 

I watched the video and the only reading material I saw was a fashion magazine. I remember my freshman year I had shitload of thick textbooks I had to pay (too much) for. 

Agree. The kids should be removed from the school they were fraudulently admitted to. If they really do want to pursue a degree, they can finish the year at Community College, reapply to a different University, and if they get in honestly, be allowed to complete their degree.

It's a Full House pun. Because...Aunt Becky.

Maybe you are thinking of the Cal State schools, not private USC? California has two public state school systems - California State University (Cal States - there is like 20 of them), and the much more well-known University of California schools (UCs - I think there is 9 or 10). Among the UCs, UCLA and Berkeley are

Now playing

I’m ambivalent about Cordon, but I’ve rewatched the Broadway Carpool Karaoke a bajillion times and will never stop. I’m impressed with Cordon’s grasp of “Guns and Ships.” Plus the Les Mis grand finale at the end is everything.