
I don’t drive, because I live in a country with excellent public transport so there is no need to drive if you live in an urban area. I also got a year’s paid leave with my son, get free health care, paid sick leave, subsidized child care, free higher education and I have never worried that I would be the victim in a

That right there is also the reason why you’re losing everyone under the age of 40: it’s not our obligation to be grateful for us not being Saudi Arabia. It’s not on us to be grateful that, in fact, our promises that we are the land of the free and the home of the brave are sometimes honored. Occasionally, for some of

They need minority representation. 

This kind of reminds me of my conservative mother’s viewpoint on feminism. I hear a lot of “There are countries where women can’t even drive/vote whatever”. And I’m like dumbfounded that that’s the bar for Republicans. As if we should just be grateful to have basic human rights and not be consistently striving for

Women in Saudi Arabia can’t drive? I’d never know that if the GOP didn’t constantly point that out.

The Democrats can’t do anything unless they get elected. And not just the White House, because if the GOP still controls the Senate after the 2020 election, Moscow Mitch will block every bill and every judicial nomination that comes along from a Democratic president and Democratic House. From someone living in the

How do you write this blog without the rest of his quote? I mean, he literally says we should push for something greater, he’s just asking those with privilege to consider what they are asking those without privilege to risk in that push.

*surprisingly jacked

Just a reminder, that dude is buff!

Chidi forced to confront the hardest trolley problem yet.

Manny is one of the most gorgeous men on the face of the earth. I would pay money to watch him walk down the street. Like, are you forking kidding me with those cheekbones?

Jameela Jamil better get a new vehicle that does her as much justice as she deserves.

You can feel bad that it’s ending, but it makes sense since many other shows have run far too long. Manny and William better get many leading roles from now on, they are delightful.

Evangelicals are the worst, ever. Faith-wise they’re fundie talibans, but unlike the actual talibans they have disproportionate money and power to influence things in the world, making them even more dangerous.

I'm taking bets on Ma Shriver planning the son in laws political career 15 years hence. America is never going to be rid of Kennedy spawn and bad celebrities turned worse politicians 

Big deal. I went to a cousin’s wedding yesterday, and there was free locally made wine. And lesbians planning their own wedding at my table. (Another cousin and her fiance.) And I helped yet another cousin’s daughter try to catch the bouquet.  I probably had a better time than they did...

Dear Democratic Party,

Unfortunately, incels aren’t contained to the US. In countries where they can’t as easily get guns, they use things like vehicles.

Where are these incels even getting the money to pay for plastic surgery? Are their parents financing it in the hopes it will get them out of their basements faster?