
Right? Weren’t they recently begging for money?

As the great Colbert once said: reality has a known liberal bias.

Ark bumps into Australian shoreline.

And just imagine how long it took the koalas to get there! Lazy little bastards would never have made it without a ride on the Jesus train.

I can’t deal with the stupid. So Noah randomly decided to drop kangaroos and a lot of poisonous animals off in Australia because fuck Australia.

ask those people if they knew who he was before last week

I haven’t seen this one, but the favorite comment I saw on Facebook included this line:

I’m a feminist who is constantly talking about the patriarchy and sexist ideas of acceptable femininity. . . but this would piss me right off.

God forgives as many times as you ask*

*offer not valid for the gays.

This image honestly makes me wish for death.

jesus god literally FUCK the dollar-sign key.

Not to mention the knot’s $ vs $$ vs $$$ mean NOTHING. Some venues that were $$ cost more than the $$$ ones.


Newsflash - people have a really hard time being in long term monogamous relationships and society’s weird, unnecessary and CONSTANT shaking finger makes it harder for people to just be able to admit that to themselves, and find relationships that DO work for them. But SURPRISE when you guilt them into obeying

When I hear “90s” I always think ten years ago. But then I remember my sister was born in the 90s and she’s constantly asking me what to order when she goes to bars and I get sad.

At least it wasn’t “old shit like Beck and the Strokes”..........

Yeah, when I was a teenager in the 90’s I knew about the Beatles, The Doors, Blondie, David Bowie, you name it, AND I also knew about what was going on in the current scene. I thought that people who dismissed earlier music as “old” were losers. Know your roots man, know your fucking roots.

This was the first CD (of my choosing) that I owned. Sitting in my still pepto bismal pink bedroom with NKOTB bedding (because my mom wouldn’t replace it since it was “perfectly fine!”) listening on repeat was a defining moment of my life. And when that secret track came on?!?! I thought ALLLLLL CDs were like that!

Love how kids think ignorance is cool. It’s not. Cool people are aware of big musical influences from previous decades.