How do you know they aren’t selling stuff imported from China, or mass-market stuff in new bottles?
How do you know they aren’t selling stuff imported from China, or mass-market stuff in new bottles?
But I’ve seen a dupe of that one in a non-indie polish. I’ve never seen anything in an indie polish I haven’t been able to find in a national brand format. Like I’ve gotten holos and jellies and a whole host of other crazy stuff from beauty supply stores. I mean, I don’t have any ill will toward the indie polish…
Exactly. An actual company will have materials scientists making the formula, the budget for product testing, and lawyers to make everyone aware of how very, very bad it will be if the product hurts people. A guy fucking around in his basement has none of these things. People can try to get on my ballsack about 5-free…
““Coco Chanel stated that ‘I do not care what they think about me. I do not think of them at all.’ I believe that my perspective is that I do not have time to think about the hateful posters.”
Taking “What will the neighbors say!” to a whole new f*cked up level.
Where did he say that?? He’s not planning her life out for her. He’s trying to give her a way out of the hell that is her life right now. Give the guy the benefit of the doubt. There is not a single person in the Duggar family, Bates family, Keller family, and whoever else in their circle of friends who is standing up…
Why should he stay out of it? His sister is being abused and needs a support system.
Again, I don’t think him being concerned about his sister being married to a cheating molester is infantalization. He’s not comparing her to a child incapable of handling herself. He sees a woman who’s been conditioned to believe that her only value as a woman is her being a mother and a loyal wife who stays with her…
Honestly to me, having good spelling and grammar is just like having a good fashion sense. I appreciate when you have it, but ultimately it’s not the outside, it’s the inside that counts. And this guy seems like the only one brave enough, or ballsy enough, to speak out. So I’m not going to get on him for the grammar.…
What kind of jackass opines about a family’s priorities to someone who was raised in that household?
So a divorced daughter is worse in the parents’ eyes than staying with a child molesting, cheating, porn watching hypocrite of a husband?
Mad respect to this man. “I’ll go get you and the kids and you can stay with me” is sometimes the only thing that women need to hear to take that first step away from a lousy situation. Anna might not take him up on his offer, but at least she knows it’s there. The rest is up to her. Oh, and the “Go to hell you prik”…
Truth. I've only had 1 and I wear yoga pants everywhere I go (and have not been to yoga in several years). If I make it to 4 you can bet that on the rare occasion that I actually make it out of my house I'll be wearing mismatched pajamas and crocs.
I would settle for a Josh Duggar/Sam Rader/Jared Fogle cage match.
His face is the definition of smarmy.
I have the feeling that Josh Duggar only sees Anna as a woman to have kids with and that’s all their sex life consists of, which is why when he wants crazy and wild and non child creating sex he has to have an affair. That is no biases for a marriage and Anna’s brother is right to be worried about her and her kids.
Do Josh Duggar’s sisters not get that he only confessed because he got caught? I mean, for fuck’s sake. Forgive him if it makes you feel better I guess but he is an unrepentent piece of shit. #FreeAnna
I’m not convinced but I have much more respect for Drake if Serena Williams gives him the time of day. (I don’t not respect him now. I just sort have no feeling toward him.)