There’s something deeply amusing about this whiny, self-indulgent rant about how people spend too much time whining and being self-indulgent.
There’s something deeply amusing about this whiny, self-indulgent rant about how people spend too much time whining and being self-indulgent.
Maybe she’ll talk about paying student athletes when she writes an article about it.
This looks positively delirious (sic), except Eddie Murphy seems to be playing Rudy Ray Moore as Eddie Murphy with his mugging and rapid high pitched diction. Maybe recreating Moore’s slower throaty speaking style just didn’t work for an entire movie. Still I’m going to watch the no account rat eating m__f__ out of…
*stares at you until the joke lands*
But it’s functioning as a dunce cap.
Maybe they could cast Scarlett Johansson in the role of Jack Reacher.
We’re digging trenches in the dirt now just so we can lower the bar on human intelligence.
I could sit through a full-length film of this.
James Marsden playing an “everyman”? With THOSE cheekbones?!
A grown man attacks a 13 year old boy and cops are like “Well I don’t see a crime here.”
I heard the plot was slow and meandering. But not as slow as DOS boot.
As much as people say NBC was run by zoo animals in the mid-late ’00s, at least they gave shows like 30 Rock, Parks and Rec, and The Office time to percolate.
DJ Khaled doesn't like going down on anything, and that includes the Billboard charts.
Even Boston fans hate Boston fans.
It will always be Once Upon a Time in the West for me. If for no other reason than the genius casting of Henry Fonda.
Lorne Michaels is a perfectionist? A perfectionist of what? Mediocrity?
I spent 30 minutes in line at a street festival in 70 degree weather to pay $8 for an award winning tamale yesterday and got a little sunburned, so I know how they feel.
We can fight more than one thing at a time. While I do believe in ‘pick your battles’, I’ll pick a battle against a grown man harassing a teenager (and this is harassment - it’s a power move, it’s bullying).
Man, if we can’t defend teenage girls, who ARE we supposed to defend?