O2 thief

Crap, wrong Conan.

Watchmen already did a hairless asshole with fake coloring on Mars.

Way to completely gloss over the fact that there’s a fucking AARP Movie awards show.

This is not Nam, you may have stepped over the line there.

Maybe if Sandler hadn’t been making “Movies so bad on purpose” for the last 15 years, he’d be taken a bit more seriously

It tkes a while to crush that much Adderall

I stand because I’m 6'4 and usually cramped up from being crushed into a space designed for a five year old. Piss off.

We Floridians routinely elect corrupt dumb assholes. Gaetz is our poster boy.

I was 14 and just smart enough to see through the bullshit that was Billy Jack.

Please present your “list”. I need a laugh.

Bye Felicity

Remember, this is a show that began every episode with a close up shot of a dogs ass.

It’s simple - Daddy only wants to fuck one of them.

Sorbo can eat all  the dicks. Every damn one.

Audiobooks are my go to listening on my 1:45 daily commute. I have listened to The Stand and found it just ok. There are a lot of characters to sort out and the narrator struggles to keep them distinct.

Sick AND stupid. 

Fucker was just itching for a chance to kill someone. Burn him down.

Fallout 2