
imdb’s got Fogler listed to return for the final leg of this bloated mess. This show’s cast is waaayyy too big. They should’ve killed off most of them years ago. Negan, Princess, and a couple of the other newer characters are the only ones I even enjoy watching. And there’s no narrative tension with Daryl and Carol

extensive market research

Hopefully the part of the Jordan that isn’t polluted.

this murderous racist fool could only hope to be as cool as a bitch or as delightful as a pussy.

Where’s Greef Karga when you need him? “I, too, sometimes find our friend unpalatable.” 

I read a lot of comic books when I was in middle school and high school and then I stopped. Occasionally I’ll pick one up now and thumb through it. The main thing that stands out for me is that I’ve gotten older, but the characters have stayed the same age. 

Really? Saturday Night Live? When is that on?

Aren’t we all bang babies?

Bush committed war crimes, which are governed by international law. They are also something which Presidents have been committing routinely for probably as long as they have been a concept the world agreed should exist, but the United States wields such outsized power that it both does not respect international law

I mean fuck, My wife is already thinking about him when we have sex. Now she isn’t just picturing his perfect chest or beautiful face but also his perfect dick. If he truly was a saint he would leak a picture of his ugly ugly asshole so we other men at least have one thing going. Who am I kidding, his asshole is

I was laughing really hard at this. And my wife - Lucy - was horrified. Then when Deep sobs, “Lucy...” I started laughing at Whale Lucy again and Real Lucy got real mad at me.

Hey, look, it’s mostly people with the underlying condition of being attracted by gravitational forces who are affected by falling out of windows.

Kellyanne Conway?

I don’t even know anymore.

A dime bag?

They should just flip it and let Scully be the hero she always was/should have been. Every week, she has to talk her dipshit partner out of birtherism or the anti-vax movement. And he’s always wrong, but he never learns his lesson.

Trans people, of course, famously taking advantage of society’s permissive attitude toward them.

Just like those home runs, it was over our heads.

Check out the big brain on Brett!

As an ethical stance about not letting writers harm themselves to produce reviews, it would carry more weight if it had been consistently applied over the years. Everyone has been happy to look the other way while critics were using PEDs to slam out reviews as we cheered them on. You think Ignatiy knocks out