
Dispatch war rocket Marvel to bring back his body.

I’m confident that if you’d taken a moment to stop and think before saying that, you’d realize that we all cheesecake that sardine.

‘We’re good.’ - possums and raccoons

There’s a whole controversy about some parent cars not getting their baby cars rust-proofing because they think it causes auto-ism.

HighlanderJuan, Denver, United States, approximately 2014

I got a sheet (leaf?, sheaf?) of these stamps and my youngest thought they were stickers. I now have a coloring book that probably has enough postage in it to ship to Antarctica.

“And then, one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change...” - Douglas Adams, ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’.

“That tea wasn’t grown by white people? Well to hell with that. I’ll show them by drinking a nice delicious chai!”

Maybe if we start now and breed them selectively we could create racism-free reality stars that are still objectively terrible in every other way, like how we’ve created seedless watermelon.

Jingle 2 The Way: Grammatically Incorrect

To his credit, he sounds more like an Irishman here than he sounds like an Egyptian-Japanese-Spaniard-Whatever The Hell He’s Supposed To Be in Highlander.

Pretty sure “He pulls a knife, you pull a guy,” is dialogue from the porn classic The Touchables. 

M-O-O-N, that spells social distancing.

Never tell me the odds.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit appreciating Leslie Neilson...

“I'm drunk right now!"

I didn’t get a Community notification for this

My two cents: there is no such thing as a Nazi sympathizer. If you have a group of people consisting of one Nazi and six of his sympathizers, what you have is seven Nazis.

Yes, yes, he's very smart.