
Completely, that's how. Completely fucking great.

When he looks at the cigarette he's smoking, you can almost see his extended thought process: enjoying it, glad he's smoking it, and that he got the chance before it was too late; wondering if he should ever have quit, since the end arrived so much sooner than he ever knew it would; a bit of shame, at turning to this

I wish you'd asked him about THE GUARDIAN. Forgettable TV movie, maybe, but I thought it had some interesting themes.

Sounds great
By the description it sounds like a pretty awesome movie.

Funny…she doesn't LOOK Druish.


Oh, yeah. Swing and a hit, Cave Commenter.

With no Dean Martin getting hilariously drunker throughout the roast, what's the point?

I agree—this one, if any. I just wonder if the Troma 'style' has any business with Blu-ray.

'Troma Blu-ray'

I imagine you're joking around, but yes, give it a try. The characters can be endearing, and a lot of the music numbers are quite impressive. You might dig it.

I was pissed that Sawyer used the term 'long con' incorrectly.

Agreed! In the early episodes Barb's antics seemed to be confirmation of the worst one might have feared from knowing only the show's title. But they've sustained the joke of her one-note personality for so long that it has become funnier with each appearance.

"String Pound Star Bang My Dad Says"

No, no, that strategy is sound. Sound!

Ha ha, that's a fucking good point!

That is awesome.

I was there
in Dallas in 1989. Weird.

Plug in the Atari!
Sure, no one should be all impressed if someone hooks up a 2600 to the viewscreen.

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