
"The Gamesters of Triskelion"
Let's bet some qautloos up in this motherfucker!

What Hear God Laugh said.

'Albert' and the Chipmunks
I hope that's what they actually said, and not a typo, because for some reason that's fucking hilarious.

New feature?
Wow, that's a lot of criticizin'.

Oh good
So now I finally know how to pronounce "Amelie."

"unpromising child prodigies"
Isn't that kind of a contradiction of terms?



Sweeney up, hos down.

Richard Edson!!!
"Uh, what country do you think this is?"

Holy shit, that was so intense I'm disoriented.

"A dream to some. A NIGHTMARE TO OTHERS!"

Anaal Nathrakh
I'm going to go ahead and point out that this is an EXCALIBUR (1981 movie, best on-screen Merlin ever) reference so that I can feel smart and geeky.

Wow, lots of good stuff here.

"…despite being the only film in the top three to boast any big-name talent."
I completely disagree with the suggestion that UP doesn't have big-name talent. After all, in the field of animation, Pixar is the biggest name there is currently—bigger even than parent/partner Disney, which has lately been largely out of

Yep. That's simple.

I always felt bad for that dude. Everywhere he goes, Grover is the waiter. Poor guy's just trying to get some fucking soup!

Leonard, I think you need some sort of medal or laurel for getting an actual, polite reply from ZMF. Although, in my head he was still shouting, so it came out weird…

I *knew* I should have researched the quote first (after all I do have the Internet right here), but if I had gotten it right, we wouldn't have learned about the transitive property, now would we?

Apparently, then, the transitive property applies to movie/video game references.