
That inadvertently happened to my fiance. The house she bought had clay pipes that were destroyed by tree roots, and the boiler needed to be replaced. All happened within a year of buying her house. And none of it that could be proven that the previous owners knew about. At this point, selling would be a loss for her.

Oh, I forgot. For Christmas, my fiance got me a cooking class at Johnson and Wales for italian pastries. That's this Saturday. No clue how much experience I'll need in the class. I did really well in a french macaron class last year, so hopefully that skill/luck carries over.

using it, along with a bonus from work, to pay for a new roof.


Yeah. I'll throw this one often when I don't have an answer to give about a topic.

My, what a lovely bouquet.

Going to try to put my house on the market for April.
My friend/realtor looked over everything and estimates I can get $280k for the house. For which I paid $210k. So that would be nice.

2 weeks ago I made lemon bars, and I used the rinds and a bunch of sugar to make a rich lemon syrup.
I used that syrup to make a french 75 style drink last night. Sparkling wine, gin, and the lemon syrup.

Love, like pollen, is in the air. And I can't breathe.

You've had a fish taco on your chest for this long and yet never eaten one?
The temptation must have been unbearable.

But they bruise easily when dropped. Similarities are greater than the differences here.

Group questions.

*Looks in pants.*

You haven't seen this tutorial?

Doc Thor.

Hang on. I need to make a reaction video of me reading this comment.

Bat Boy Captured…

Yeah, the risk of a good burgling would be too great.


Here's where I read about it. I don't know anything about cooking ribs, so I can't give you any answers.