
Yeah who would want an extra day off on a non-religious holiday where no one works anyway. Take that, libs!

Yep! I live in one of the most progressive/elite/whatever blue jewel cities of Florida (not Tampa) and downtown does look like an elf exploded (thank you for that). And frankly it is gorgeous! Also our LGBTQ corridor is decked out like only drag queens can deck a bitch out. I haven’t been going out, but driving

I find myself using this more and more often these days.  

It looks like their new strategy is owning the libs by not owning the libs? I mean I’m probably to the left of Stalin and hearing “Merry Christmas” could not make me feel less of any emotion.

Just know that if The General ever decided to declare War of Christmas, that Santa and this “Kirk” human would be kneeling in a heartbeat.

What if he had gone the child star route of Leif Garrett or Corey Haim. Would that have been better?

But if Kirk Cameron doesn’t save Christmas, then I’ll never be born!!

To be fair, he just said that it’s a day off for Federal employees this year. He didn’t make it a Federal Holiday permanently.

Black Christmas Santa or Silent Night Deadly Night Santa both look friendlier. 

The world needs Saving Christmas 2! With more of the beloved character, Christian White.............. goddamn that name is blunt, at least he knows his audience. 

Trump just declared Christmas Eve a federal holiday too, which prompted Republican congressman Jim Jordan to tweet: “Today’s Left can’t cancel everything. Merry Christmas!” No, anything but that! Our snowflake brains can’t handle Christmas Eve being a federal holiday!

What disgusting fucking people. If COVID has shown us anything it’s that bible humpers are complete trash.

“Have you ever sung Christmas carols by candlelight at a time when your state governor has prohibited you from doing that? In America?”

“Have you ever sung Christmas carols by candlelight at a time when your state governor has prohibited you from doing that? In America?”

Look, never mind the lights on peoples houses, the ubiquity of christmas-themed marketing and merchandise, the christmas services at churches of every denomination, the christmas movies and tv specials, your municipal decorations, tree, and possibly parade, and the fact that christmas is a federal fucking holiday.

Former Seattle-ite chiming in. I simply think that, if anyone truly believes that there’s a war on Christmas, that they don’t live in the cities. Because I have yet to visit a city around the holidays, that didn’t look like an elf exploded.

This probably sounds elitists, and maybe it is, but I think the chain of

At least they’re outside.

Where exactly do these “war on Christmas” people live? I live in Seattle, which the MAGA crowd has apparently decided is now a godless lawless coastal elite hellscape, and as far as I can tell Christmas is as ubiquitous as ever.

The writing for Sylar jumped the rails so many times that I think the train ended up under water, but somehow Quinto managed to put in a compelling performance all the way through. I think the writers could have said, “Okay, Sylar is a birthday clown named Wappo now, and his only power is making balloon animals that