
Here’s a fun fact that I have mentioned here before: people in 7th/8th grade started calling me “the Misery Chick” after an episode of Daria. Despite the fact that I was a dude. And it was my friends who called me that! Just because I was a sarcastic asshole who often spoke in monotone.!

What a delightful skill. I think more people need to know how to make popcorn on the stove. It tastes sooooo much better than microwaved popcorn.

If the only thing you can cook really well is popcorn, well, I can’t say you’re doing anything wrong with your life:)

The really amazing thing is that Syndrome was initially created just as a random chump for the family to fight in the opening scene (which is where the whole “You married Elastigirl” dialogue came from), but then none of the Pixar animators liked the main villain (apparently a totally generic mad scientist) that much,

parody of 60s superhero cartoons with commentary by the actual Mr. Incredible and Frozone.

Yeah, Syndrome is a fantastic villain, one of the best that Disney/Pixar has ever created. Dude combines both layers that you can empathize with, with being completely vile. It’s a rare villain that gets a full-on Indiana Jones death, and I’m like “Yep, got what he deserved”. But Syndrome makes that list handily.

Then it's best to not do Dreamchild. It’s perfection in acting, so almost creepy, but more mournful. I hate that I can't watch it as much as I keep wanting to. 

One thing people often misremember about the two movies is how human and intelligent they make Bob. If you’re not paying attention he’s just a sitcom bumbling dad. If you are, they actually do really interesting things with him (like how much he wants to support his wife by taking care of the kids in the second even

If I may take a little issue with the characterization of Bob as a “bungling bruiser” — I don’t think he bungles that much, but his power does mean a lot of stuff suffers collateral damaged. Considering he’s got the same powers as the Tick, Bob’s almost s skilled surgeon by comparison.

“And got . . . BIZZAYYY!”

Great write-up, this was my favorite part of the movie for all the reasons laid out here. The action is also designed for cartoon stuff, like how Mrs. Incredible’s motorcycle can separate according to her stretching, there’s one point where she uses her back end to slingshot herself forward and it’s a total blast, it

I’d stick up for Syndrome as a villain. Purposefully he’s a little campy, but he’s still by far the best iteration of entitled fanboy as villain (which has been done a lot of times sense). Plus Jason Lee’s line readings are fantastic

I’d be down for an Incredibles Disney+ series, maybe leveraging some of the B-list heroes we met in this film. The strength of the movies is really the family dynamic, since neither offers up much in the villain department (the sequel in particular, BLAH). Just spending time with the fam is enough for me! 

The train chase is dope, to be sure, but the escape from the studio into the helicopter rescue/dogfight is the best setpiece in the film. 

Jane was really well rounded, she just kind of chose to do her own thing and be laid back and pal around with Daria, whereas other characters on the show were more stuck in their rut. Jodie was also really great at everything, and I liked that the show gave them different motivations for their success, Jodie had to

“Uh, Ms. Landon? There’s a gentleman here to see you, and when I asked him to stop leaning on my desk he just said, ‘Rrrrr! Feisty!’”

Jane is the girl you suddenly realised twenty years later was actually super cool (unless you had enough awareness to realise she was cool at the time) and you kick yourself for not getting to know her better.

So now it’s just Jodie, not Daria & Jodie?  I hope we’ll at least see some of the other characters as supporting cast.

No obit for Dame Vera Lynn, 103? She was kind of a big deal... :(

Can’t wait to love this show and then see it ruined by the inability to maintain music rights!