
Yep, it’s my dream car from when I was 16. I tried to buy a Challenger or Cuda right at the end in 1974. I had the cash to buy it myself, but at 17, I couldn’t. Mom screwed around and the good ones were gone. In 2018, I decided to get exactly the car I wanted to without any real compromises. The Toledo area is a color

Try not to laugh, because this will seem dumb at first. But I plan to live for another 40+ years. I’d love to say an OG NSX or a Viper, because I don’t want to give up my Sports Car/Muscle Car dreams. But my knees are already not the best. So it’s got to be easy enough for an old dude with dubious joints to get in and

A Dodge Challenger:

If Enterprise or Avis were smart, they’d publicly invite the Hertz customer to rent with them and match his status.

Since it’s Hertz, call the police on them.

Sounds like wagons sold in the US. 

Ford treated Volvo better than GM treated Saab, but I wouldn’t say Ford set Volvo up for success. They just recycled Volvo’s platforms and stole their safety tech for more mainstream brands (not necessarily a bad thing)

every time it was made more mainstream, we didn’t sell any. And when it was goofy, which the automotive press loved, there were only 100,000 people in the whole freakin’ world that wanted one.”

uBear Eats.

What if the bear had setup the driver to crash?

There once was a man from Nantucket

I am failing to see how the cop did not do *exactly* the right thing here. If moron was going too fast to stop in time to not hit a very plainly visible cop car, he was going too fast to not hit a pedestrian. Not like he came around a blind corner and there was the cop.

I’m normally on the ACAB side, but I’m really struggling to be displeased with what the cop did here.

Decent cars have built in retractable sunshades for the sunroof. It’s really not a problem, and I live in SW FL most of the time. Summer is PLENTY brutal here.

OK, so among enthusiasts, an electric car probably won’t be considered the best Mazda 6 ever made”

My dad is 81. He still goes backpacking and tent camping. He walks 13 km per day at a brisk pace, paddles a kayak and rides a mountain bike. He would have a tough time getting in/out of that car. That ‘Vette’s seats are a loooooong way down. 

There is difficulty in accepting the fact that people can most definitely be priced out of their area.

You clearly don’t live in LA. I cannot go on a 10 min walk in my area without some kind of homeless person - literally foaming at the mouth in several cases - threatening, chasing or otherwise trying to attack me for simply walking down the sidewalk. Rents are bad, but that doesn’t mean chasing people with a pipe

Kind of random, but this why I think arguments against capitalism should be nuanced and measured... because its so goddam easy. You don’t need to look that hard to find cases of a “free market” creating problems for itself that its either unable or unwilling to solve.

16 million empty houses in America.