Yeah, you can explode your house all you want, but why do you have to shove it down my throat all the time?
Yeah, you can explode your house all you want, but why do you have to shove it down my throat all the time?
You say, " That kids is what happens when you try and take our guns away. " :)
You say, "That kids, is what it looks like when a house explodes." It's not like a pair of tits flew out the garage door.
I don't have a problem with houses exploding per se, but on live television? What am I supposed to tell my kids?
I give a shit. The got to march in the opening and closing ceremonies and were televised and discussed by the NBC announcers during the first night of Olympic coverage. And they didn't even bother to compete. That's outrageous.
What, exactly, did they "get away with"? They told a bunch of lies and sucked at skiing.
J. O'Neal took my son to the All-Star game when I was in Iraq in 2003. I'll never forget it. A solid guy.
"It's nice to see an old man get up like that. It's a shame no one scored though."
35 year old Jermaine O'Neal looks 35 years younger than Greg Oden.
Teaser Trailer for "Hard Knocks."
Somewhere, Darren Sharper just got an erection.
Figures Rice couldn't manage more than 3 yards on this carry
"An earlier version incorrectly said Mr. Celek was the son of Tom Selleck"
Alex Trebek: "The question: What Julius and Ethel Rosenberg got."
i was wondering why the University went with the cut-rate naming rights for " Arena".
Escape From PA.
This is ridiculous. Being screwed by a golden ram is the highest honor one can receive in West Chester.
In all fairness, the AD is just going along with the long held practice of not compensating students for athletic activity.
That's nothing. My kids' University is jobbing them out of $150,000.
Hot showers are the pinnacle of civilization, IMO. Take away my car, my electricity, my coffee, it's ok. But I want my shower.