
based upon the university's response and the description of what happened in the video, are you still OK with him crushing her face?

Just because I've been using Multiple Scoregasms for about 6 years now, I notice it's listed twice. If you add the aggregate total of the names, it comes in 3rd place.

defending yourself doesn't mean you need to punch her in the face. A simple push or holding her until security can get there is a pretty simple solution. You can't tell me he isn't 5 times stronger than her.

He just turned 18 and was drunk... the age limit in OK is 21?

@35 years old, Jermaine has spent half of his life in the NBA. Greg Oden has spend a total of two full seasons in the NBA and looks like he's about to retire.

If Parsons was mauled, he didn't show it. Turned and ran up the court. Looked like a pretty good block to me.

yeah that last second took like 1-2 seconds. There's no way he was able to get from 4 feet out of bounds and back to half court within four seconds while taking a shot. Fun story but he didn't make it in time.

I was thinking the same thing. They have no shot against the NKorean All Stars and hell I don't blame them. Keep it close and let them win.

Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think this guy was using an iPhone. Maybe Samsung? The clarity is great, brightness, focus, kudos cameraman, kudos. He also must have great internal storage or is using a large sd card. You have to go with at least 16gb of sd these days.

You're fucking nuts dude, seriously. The Rangers following is nothing compared to the Cowboys, but saying that Dallas fans were either Astros fans or front runners, couldn't be more off the mark. Dallas has a ton of transplants, so you'll see fans from everywhere in the metroplex, hell a Cowboys game vs. the Steelers

Too soon? For this or Columbine? +1

Not sure I'd want Jim Brown as my spokesman, but I'll bite on this.

I wholly disagree with you. I worry more about my 7 year old playing baseball than playing football(he plays both.) A line drive to the chest or head to a kid that's not paying attention, and it doesn't have to be just the pitcher position, is a serious event. In football the kids are engaged and know what's going on.

there's a great program now that teaches youth coaches on proper tackling instruction sponsored by USA football. Every coach in our league has to be certified before we can have them teach the kids. I'm not sure how many other youth leagues are utilizing it but it's a great tool to get the people coaching the kids on

I'm sure it varies from school to school. In my HS, I played all four years, we never had a "major" injury other than torn acls and probably a few concussions. During that same time one of my close friends was paralyzed in a car accident(country roads and late night partying don't mix), one was killed in a head on car

I'm not a soccer guy, but this is a good hypothetical. If you pulled the goalies off of each team, even for a match of like, idk, Real Madrid and whatever other team is their equal, would either team score over 30 goals? If so, can we just pull the damn goalies already?

anyone else wonder why the hotter girls have no class? Makes me laugh when people see an athlete's gf or wife and they're like "I thought he'd be with someone hotter than that." Girls like this are chasing the $$$. She'd get 25k if he decided to break it off? Where's your dignity?

Ha so did I, graduated in '98. Kids these days have it so easy. If we wanted to see a girl that we met at a bar or school, get naked, we had to go to her place, there was no sexting. It wasn't cool to dress like a slut to class or any of the other cool shit that happens these days.

at first look i thought it was MLK, so the confusion of MLK's image in psychedelic colors on a white tshirt worn by a white dude looking like KSM really threw me.

Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but the Spurs could be a good landing place as they, smartly?, drafted Deshaun Thomas, who was initially the guy that said Oden looked outstanding playing against him back in Columbus. Not sure if it was as much strategery in drafting Thomas as it was taking a flyer on a guy, but