
These guys are so....german.

I thought Nate Robinson played for the Bulls now...this video is old, come on man.

Bored housewives looking over their shoulders: Oh coach, need to apologize. Bring your players by here anytime.

Am I the only one after this racially charged week that was thinking...

does this guy wear spandex everywhere?

for the 1% of athletes that actually go pro in their sport?

don't you mean they're olympian gymnasts before they're old enough to..... anyways, yeah I agree with you.

Idk, if this was in Chechnya, he definitely Ramzan'd him.


since you dropped "detonated", it's only fair that i say...

Am I the only one that ignores Wilt in this video to watch how spare the guys he's playing against are? I totally could have played in the 50's at the college level.

I'd like to volunteer to grind her.

If this first marriage doesn't work out, I'm seriously considering a russian wife.

Good to see that stupid noise level meter wasn't just a novelty this year. It's my fucking kryptonite.

Because instead of replying +1, we actually click the star icon, which is what it's for. It's nice to be able to scroll down to actual comments then having to read (+1, +100!, omglol +5000)

cutting is a little extreme. That was an idiotic move though and something he should have learned in little league about the force play. Hell I coach elementary school kids and I know that the run doesn't score if a force play is made.


I wish they would put them on as well. Barkley doesn't care who he pisses off, the fact that he picks against what everyone else is picking(which would be easy) makes me respect him.

RBI baseball was the best of the NES era IMO. I played the hell out of that.

Fair enough. Name 5 better.