
I think what you meant to say was, Michael Jackson would have +100'd this post.

still trying to figure out why Tom posted this after Woj put his info out. I guess when you get an update from B/R who got their update from, you're prone to this type of misfire.

NBA Jam on Fire Edition is pretty awesome.

Beginning on July 1, 2011, the Mets will pay former player Bobby Bonilla $1.19 million a year for 25 years as part of a buyout of the $5.9 million the team owed him in 2000. A previous headline of this article incorrectly gave the amount of the annual payment as $1.9 million.

they also left out the part about her being a big fan of BBC. Wait, BBC or "the BBC?"

Come on, if we're commenting on deadspin, we're sarcastic, no?

I bet if Brek Shea was wandering the streets like this, there'd be less terrorism in Britain.

Looks like someone's bus driver has been playing too much GTA: Liberty City. I wonder how many hookers he ran over.

"Zaire Wade is one of the best 5th graders in the country"

I like basketball, but how many people without middle school kids are subscribing to that? Seems a little much to me.

I was thinking of a paternity test because he passes half the time.

Look, LeBron is the best player in the world. Let's tap the brakes on guarding all 5 positions though. If he has a 5 on the block, more times than not the 5 is going to score on him. He's LeBron, he's not Rodman.

Bosh sucks. The fact that he's an all star is just mind numbing. After game 6 people were all like OMG did you see those Bosh rebounds???? He's the tallest guy on the court and the ball bounced to his vicinity. Can't change history but if Duncan's out there rebounding against Bosh, he doesn't get them.

I'm totally with you and the people saying it's just because they're gay is, well, are we all so PC-alert on this blog that we're complaining that the guy's a homophobe now? He went to their wedding.

Ha, yeah it's hard for anyone to come here and complain about Texas making a big profit when a lot of students do this. My little sister was an overachiever and graduated in 3 years. Pissed me off too, I had to find a new supplier since she only charged me face value.

Which calls above are incorrect after his assessment? Because you're basically saying his evaluation of the game is irrelevant, where fans of each team are probably wondering about certain plays and what the "right" call is.

I'm with you. I look forward to this after every game now. Look, the guy doesn't have anyone to cover up for anymore, he's out of the profession and is unbiased. If anything the guy has been one of the best sports whistleblowers ever. Would have have done it if he never would have gotten caught? Probably not.

Is it just me or does this shoe opening seem small for a guy with like at least a size 15 foot? I wear 10's and I don't know if I could wear socks with those.

so he's won at every level. Good job LBJ

I was thinking more like...why are you grabbing the mic and walking around singing, I would think he'd be in a VIP with a real MC doing all the work. The fact that the guy is one of the worst celebrity tippers, probably means he's not all that into paying for his own party or the talent that would go with it.