
so you're saying other players have publicly guaranteed multiple championships? Link?

not one, not two, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7.....

Well, the good thing about Ley's columns is that they're sometimes blown to shit within 48 hours. Let's keep an eye on this one as he basically called the Spurs dead during the Warriors series.

totally agree with you. And Van Gundy is an idiot for saying Pop was ok not calling a time out and letting his players play through it. Not saying it cost them the game, I'm saying it cost them at least 10 points in margin.

lol. Me too, I just sat here thinking...wait for it...wait for it...then I googled the team and well, there won't be any white, mexican, well any kids that aren't black maybe ever again on this team. Whenever you hear someone argue "why can't we get more black kids into baseball?" just point them something like this

yeah $50 is a steal!

Yep, I went 2-2. Oui Oui—T.P.

I'm with you. I'm still wondering how so many pundits are picking the Heat in 6. When you look at the competition in the playoffs and who the Spurs and Heat beat:

I don't normally attack anyone in the comments, but you're fucking dumb. Do you know basketball rules? If any of the Heat players, that have been playing all their life, thought he traveled, don't you think they would have made the motion? Don't you think the tv guys would have said something? Well noone did because

Isn't New England a favorite to win the AFC every year? And they won the super bowl last in '03? That's why you play the games.

And San Antonio is old, swept the Lakers and the Grizzlies. Even if OKC is healthy, they were better last year with Harden. I guess canceling the playoffs would have been the only solution for you?

I'm not a lawyer and don't pretend to be one. Even if someone bought things from him, if they didn't test positive there's a reasonable doubt there, as simple as "yeah I bought it but gave it to my brother" or "I didn't buy it, yeah my name is So and So but it wasn't me".

omg that is funny right there.

never watch sports? Anchorman couldn't have been a better representation of a vocation, like, ever.

I tried to find one of our former local anchors, Jane McGarry, some youtube clips of her "Carly Box" and "Snoopy Dogg", but can't for the life of me find it. If you have any connections in Dallas at Channel 5, I'm sure they have them readily available.

I bet their parents were stoked, saved them another couple hundred$$$

We are talking about Memphis here, so let's tap the brakes. The only city smaller than Memphis in the NBA is Salt Lake City, and how many people even know who coaches there?

It's Jezebel you have to worry about. I'm sure they're formulating an article about how to disband the Navy as we speak.

Girl-"What do you guys want to do today? The game doesn't start for another couple of hours."

so basically, if the thing goes to the Bahamas, the captain and crew go with it but Henry flies. Man, why don't these guys just rent the damn things?