
Well, I mean, I guess I can take this seriously as long as she didn't say he tried to impale her or choke her. I mean, how many guys haven't done that to her?

nah, he shot a Wrangler commercial beforehand, that's totally non-Nfl clothing he has on.

I don't know what this is this the same kid that throws back opposing team HR balls when he can get to them?

We can't really get mad about the daughter's friend thing unless you provide us with her picture.

This is screwed up. If she's washing their balls on the course, it's not a big deal, but if she wants to wash her car, it's a violation. F the NCAA.

Man, that living rooms screams, I mean with the brown couch and the carpet, of when you're sitting on them you're putting one in the stink and two in the pink.

see also Texas A&M. They recently gained not one, but two national championships! Congrats guys!

give me the one huge one. I'd document that shit and forever have a story to tell. The hospital pain will be ok with meds. That would be fucking nasty though.

We're in this situation the only way my wife and I get out on a date is when the church nearby or the gymnastics place does a parents night out. It's basically daycare from 6-11, which gives us just enough time to get dinner and a movie in or dinner and drinks with friends(with one of us being DD of course.)

I'd like to thank that guy I used to work with that cruised imgur for porn all the time during work hours for my inability to go check them out. F you Steve, F you.

^^^^^^^ It's the have and have nots, and the author is in the haves. Doesn't address what to do with the kids that aren't as priviledged as his but probably more talented. I've seen kids of mexican immigrants here in Texas that are just far and away better than kids like his 8 year old because they've been kicking a

This article is confusing, I mean, first of all you rope me in with getting the crazy out of youth sports. I'm interested, I have 3 boys and I have coached or am coaching them in sports. Yet, you point to one sport that isn't big here but is globally, and in those countries the following is much crazier than any sport

And I throught I drew bad stars. That's atrocious. What's the symbolism of an erect star? I bet Weiner had something to do with this, didn't he?

stolen from reddit


And one other thing....this dude can twitter but he can't Google? I'm a lazy person, but this dude is very lazy. I guess it is better to ask who Miss Tennessee is than to go to her twitter and ask her out. Easier to get shot down when you're not asking directly.

Oh man, I cannot wait to see this chick on World Star Hip Hop.

And he doesn't reference game 1 of the Warriors-Spurs and how, even down by 18, the Spurs and crowd deep down remembered "the Alamo!" The problem is, the mexicans took the Alamo and killed everyone inside, soooooooo....... After the win I guess the Spurs and their fans felt guilty for winning.

I thought he was going to blurt it out and then pass out. What a tease.