
the only person in this picture whose job is safe.

Please please please some dork come on here giving per and ws and wp numbers exclaiming how he wouldn't make the top 50 players much less be the greatest player to never win a ring.

man they could turn the whole franchise around by simply changing the V to an N and reworking the color scheme. The chinese would support the fuck out of that team and buy so much merch.

yep and he wakes up early every morning trying to pick the finest ones. Hard working guy.

Vergara also asked publicly:

Hey Tom, you did watch the video you attached, right? He stepped on his foot which is basically a trip. Do they keep track of what the call was on the books anywhere? I know it's semantics basically because there are ways to call an illegal screen, for example, moving your body into the defender, or say, moving and

I guess it will get messy when it's put out there more that she was banging her trainer. Man, you pay a guy to keep your wife in shape, he does and then screws her, and then you find out and she tries to screw you out of millions. Millionaire problems, man.

No I'm with you. The person making that shirt, and I'm hoping it's just a guy that owns a shop and looking to make a quick buck off of a spring break crowd and not some chain-type of retailer where these are sold en masse. But, sadly, it's probably the latter. I mean, we did get a "she wants the D" on tv a couple

it's so fucking cliched, but everyone is hurt and the Spurs are still old. OKC fucked themselves, that was an upside down trade unless they draft well.

She's still employed. SHE fired someone when she was assistant AD at Louisville.

No we're good. I just wanted to make sure you're not saying what Hamilton did/does/etc. isn't overlooked. I think the thing here is, if you're worried about a stripper crying, then I mean, idk what to say in the first place. I don't want to be too cruel about the stripper, but if she's crying about that then she

you don't see many fat girls doing coke, so looking at who he was caught with, I'll go with a no.

Ok hold on. Maybe you work better with pictures? Hamilton's been married since 2004, this first pic was in 2009

I keep replaying this over and over in my head how a former NFL player looked climbing out of a Prius to knock on Bieber's door.

I thought nothing would top the Rob Ford falling backwards gif, until I read the part "when Bieber's Ferrari sped past Keyshawn's Prius." Thank you Deadspin.

Why are Candians playing football at Wrigley field?

Wait, when it's half price night you don't throw .50 on the stage? This is good to know, thanks!

I guess you forgot about Hamilton's bar escapade a year ago? Tattoos!!!!

and you left out the methamphetamines. You were so close, so close. Luckily I'm here to help.

I've been hit in the face with a couple of D's, and let me tell you, it was marvelous.