
Keep trolling people by calling them names, I won't fall for it.

Hey, he was a good defender and even made nba first team defense 3 times, but that didn't start until he was 31. Think about that. His career didn't take off until he was 31. He never one defensive player of the year and wasn't an offensive threat unless he was left wide open in the corner. Leonard is what, 22 or 23?

that would have been a Deadspin like slant on the occasion, but noooooooo. Tom is getting too mainstream now.

Mulkey told her to cover them up in college.

Well, ever go to a sporting event or concert and see something crazy that you can't share with anyone else that wasn't there or explain it correctly? Idk if that was this guy's thing but with storage being so cheap and the technology mostly accessible to anyone, why not? I think once Google glass becomes more readily

It's kind of hard to believe that Manu still had hair here. I think he messed up when he went close cropped

He and Bill Simmons could write that piece together for Grantland.

This year he's the best PG in the league, I don't even know how you can debate that. He and Paul have different games, they run the pick and roll differently, they're just different players IMO. Parker is going to the NBA finals, while Chris Paul is trying to get out of the first round still. Head to head in regular

after this year I don't think anyone, even in the Spurs organization, will compare Leonard to Bowen. Bowen was a hard nosed defender that would grab and hold you and played with a lot of trash talking and fire. He also came to the team after I think 4-5 other stops. 50% ts? what's that? his 3p% was below 40% and his

I'm with you on the fan of two teams thing. You can be a fan of one team and admire others, but that fan of two things doesn't work even in baseball.

that's why they play the games. Gotta give it to the Spurs, they were supposed to lose to the Grizzlies, but they still played the game. I'm sure there are series losses where Spurs fans could point the finger and one point or another. I don't remember when Fisher hit that shot with less than a second left but to the

one of these things is not like the other, not like the other, not like the other.

Apparently back then, "brothas and homies" weren't in the vernacular.

I had the right answer but my dad thought he'd be funny and insert a hockey player's name that I couldn't have a clue about. Sorry Teach.

I'm wondering what the chances are that a kid will give a different answer WHEN THE SAME PROBLEM IS ABOVE.

Oh how I love sabotage. Here's to hoping they can slide some Ron Burgundy-like humor into a teleprompter.

this seems more like a feelgood story than a horror story.

All time waterboy—Aquaman

Captain America at LG? Come on, he's a special teams player at best. Iron Man at RT? I guess we can let this pass because it was made 20 years ago and our knowledge of super heroes is much greater now. I'm thinking you have to go with Wolverine at LG and Hellboy at RT. I could also be talked into Swamp Thing at LG.

I can see what you mean with the speed thing, but speed does not equal having good touch with the ball or playing the best defense. He might be able to go by you and to the rim but can he finish? If Superman gets the ball against him, Flash couldn't stop him. Superman can take off and stop on a dime and could