
The Suns were loved by many as well but they couldn't get by the Spurs. Spurs=dreamkillers.

I'm with you on the Warriors being fun, but they lost. Outside of game 1, Curry wasn't spectacular and IMO Jackson didn't rest him enough until the end of the series when it was too late. The fact that Lee was even getting on the floor with his injury is nothing short of amazing.

just a massive fail. He was safe because they didn't attempt a throw, which makes it even a little funnier.

The question on everyone's mind is how does Ibaka tape this down when he plays? Or is he the modern day Theon Greyjoy?

This looked good when you wrote it, but the impossible to guard thing was a little over the top. The book on slowing Curry and Thompson down will be putting lengthy defenders on them. Teams probably won't do it much during the regular season but in a 7 game series it proved pretty damn effective. A healthy Lee and

and even funnier today still.

Hey this is great and all, but we're burying the lead here. It's fun watching the Warriors, but they were the losers in this one, right? You guys are bro-hugging the Warriors and Curry so hard right now.

Wait, you mean being a motivational speaker during a timeout isn't as important as actually drawing up a play?

He drove for Duralube as well fwiw.

+1 I see what you've done here, bravo.

So would this be characterized in the race world as gunning it or blowing your motor?

there are still kids in the projects waiting for white guys to deliver bats, balls and gloves to them. What was this guy thinking???

+1 I'll see you in hell.

well fuck. Kia would have sounded so much better too. One of these says I'll get it right.

well they have to go back to work with him tomorrow at the Honda plant. They can't afford for him to get injured and not be able to go to work.

Tom, um, maybe an update on this article? The series isn't over but come on, that was an ass kicking. I don't think Deadspin's golden boy Curry even played in the last 7 minutes. Did you know...Parker is averaging more PPG in 5 less minutes per game than Curry? The only thing Curry leads him in statistically is free

Jordan Shipley has caught way more ducks in close proximity to McCoy than this guy has.

Well, now we know why we haven't seen many DHF's lately. Thanks Drew.

there's no door on that bathroom, can't be a real bathroom, and that building probably doesn't even exist.

so glad this wasn't a white kid so noone can say it was bullying.