
his teammate should have told him that was coming, totally not his fault.

feel better about game 1 yet?

Tom, were we watching the same game? The Warriors were the ones that looked like they had tired legs. Lots of what if's, the Spurs making a couple more free throws, Jarrett Jack realizing he's Jarrett Jack, or for the Warriors, Curry putting in at least 30 or Thompson shooting 50% from the field. If the Spurs win by

I totally appreciate your enthusiasm. I'm a Texas Rangers fan and dammit if she would have been playing right field for us against the Cardinals, we might have won a World Series.

great points, but if he writes that he's like a sensible sportswriter, and that won't get clicks. We're not talking about the Spurs missing 3's, we're talking about free throws. That was terrible for them and they deserved to lose a very Spurs-like game.

it would have been better reporting if we would have been told this is a neutral site and not their normal field, which has fences. Problem solved?

+1 thanks for the research. The junior college in my area is pretty beaten but has a nice girls softball field.

if it's a "real" fence, she hits it running full speed with a ball in her glove and chances are it comes out or she slows down and maybe doesn't make the catch.

it's to stop the ground balls for rolling another 40 feet.

If I put a screen that small in our suv my kids would bitch for hours.

my Dad owned a trucking company for a few years in the 80's, and even as a "wanting to know it all kid", I would ask him, why do people want to drive trucks? Dad: The money's good.

is it a technical 1 or 2 for punching a guy in the nuts when he's shooting a 3? I think doing that a couple of times and then faking like you're going to do it afterwards, would really go a long way in this instance.

If Curry or Thompson go on consistent unconscious runs like they have in the first two games, it would be hard for anyone to stop them. That being said, if those two aren't doing anything, the Warriors are average. What was the lead at halftime, 18? The Spurs eventually got it down to 6 a couple of times, because

that's a hell of a long bus ride. Have you ever driven to Denver?

+1 Bravo, come to Deadspin for the articles, stay for the posters.

